Unveiling the Truth Behind Sustainable Fashion: OGL Move Review
Eco-friendly Living Reducing Plastic Use

Unveiling the Truth Behind Sustainable Fashion: OGL Move Review


Discover the truth about OGL Move, a sustainable, natural, and plastic-free clothing brand. Explore the red flags to watch out for and learn why their clothing is not as eco-friendly as it seems.

Not All Clothing is Biodegradable

When it comes to sustainable fashion, it's important to look beyond the label. One of the red flags we noticed with OGL Move is that their clothing is not biodegradable, despite their claims of being eco-friendly. Even if a garment is made from natural fibers, it doesn't automatically mean it will break down in the environment. OGL Move uses synthetic dyes and treatments that prevent their clothing from biodegrading. It's essential to consider the entire lifecycle of a garment before labeling it as sustainable.

To ensure you're making a truly eco-conscious choice, look for clothing made from organic and biodegradable materials. Fabrics like organic cotton, hemp, and linen are better alternatives to synthetic materials. Additionally, opt for clothing brands that use natural dyes and treatments, or even better, no dyes or treatments at all. By choosing biodegradable clothing, you're reducing the environmental impact and supporting a truly sustainable fashion industry.

Non-Biodegradable Clothing: A Red Flag in Sustainable Fashion

Non-Biodegradable Clothing: A Red Flag in Sustainable Fashion

Eco-friendly Fabrics: Organic Cotton, Hemp, and Linen

Eco-friendly Fabrics: Organic Cotton, Hemp, and Linen

The Truth About Natural and Plastic-Free Claims

Another important aspect to consider when evaluating the sustainability of a clothing brand is their use of natural and plastic-free materials. OGL Move promotes itself as a brand that offers natural and plastic-free clothing, but upon closer inspection, we found some discrepancies. While their clothing may be made from natural fibers, they still use plastic-based materials in certain components.

For example, OGL Move uses plastic zippers and buttons in some of their garments. These small details may seem insignificant, but they contribute to plastic pollution in the long run. It's crucial to look beyond the surface-level claims and consider the entire product composition. A truly plastic-free clothing brand would avoid any use of plastic-based components, opting for sustainable alternatives like metal zippers and buttons made from natural materials.

If you're passionate about reducing plastic waste, make sure to investigate the materials used in the clothing you purchase. Look for brands that prioritize plastic-free solutions throughout their supply chain and aim for a truly sustainable and eco-friendly product.

Plastic Components in OGL Move's Clothing: Are They Truly Plastic-Free?

Plastic Components in OGL Move's Clothing: Are They Truly Plastic-Free?

    • Erika Porter
    • 09-24 11:31:16

    I've been looking for plastic-free clothing brands, and it's disappointing to hear that OGL Move isn't as plastic-free as they claim. Your post has encouraged me to do more research and find truly sustainable options.

    • Laurie Wagner
    • 09-23 21:14:37

    Great post! I never realized that not all clothing is biodegradable, even if it's labeled as sustainable. Thanks for shedding light on this issue and providing alternative fabric choices.

    • Ella Vasquez
    • 09-22 15:08:05

    Wow, I had no idea that small details like zippers and buttons could make a difference in the sustainability of clothing. This post has definitely made me more conscious of the materials used in the clothes I buy.

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