5 Signs Your Crush Is Waiting For You To Make A Move

5 Signs Your Crush Is Waiting For You To Make A Move


Are you caught in the exhilarating whirlwind of having a crush? Navigating the uncharted waters of potential romance and love can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. In this post, we delve into the 5 signs that your crush is waiting for you to make a move. Discover the subtle hints and signals that indicate your crush's interest and learn how to take the next step in your potential relationship.

Body Language

One of the first signs that your crush is waiting for you to make a move is their body language. Pay attention to how they behave when they're around you. Are they leaning in when you talk? Do they make prolonged eye contact? These are subtle signals that they're interested in you and want you to initiate something.

Another body language cue to look out for is proximity. If your crush constantly finds ways to be near you or places themselves close to you in social settings, it's a clear indication that they enjoy your company and want to spend more time with you. It's their way of inviting you to make a move.

Lastly, observe their touch. If your crush frequently touches you during conversations, like brushing against your arm or playfully nudging you, it's a sign of comfort and intimacy. They're creating an opportunity for you to reciprocate and make a move.

Body Language

Body Language



Verbal Cues

In addition to body language, your crush may also drop verbal cues to indicate their interest. Listen for any compliments or praise they give you. If they go out of their way to make you feel special or point out your positive qualities, it's a clear sign that they're attracted to you and want you to make a move.

Furthermore, pay attention to the topics of conversation. Does your crush often steer the discussion towards romantic or intimate subjects? Do they ask you about your dating life or share their own experiences? These are subtle ways of testing the waters and signaling their interest in a deeper connection.

Lastly, watch out for teasing or playful banter. If your crush engages in lighthearted teasing or jokes with you, it's a sign that they're comfortable and enjoy your company. It's their way of building rapport and creating a playful atmosphere to encourage you to make a move.

Verbal Cues

Verbal Cues



Initiating Plans

One of the most obvious signs that your crush is waiting for you to make a move is their eagerness to make plans with you. They may suggest hanging out or doing activities together, showing a clear interest in spending quality time with you outside of regular social gatherings.

It's important to pay attention to the effort they put into these plans. Are they actively involved in organizing and making sure the outing happens? Do they follow up and confirm the details? A genuine interest in getting together is a strong indication that they want you to make a move and take the relationship to the next level.

If your crush consistently initiates plans and shows enthusiasm for spending time together, it's a signal that they're waiting for you to make a move and reciprocate their interest.

Seeking Your Approval

Your crush may seek your approval or validation as a way to gauge your interest and encourage you to make a move. They might ask for your opinion on important matters or actively involve you in their decision-making process. This shows that they value your input and want to connect with you on a deeper level.

Additionally, your crush may actively seek opportunities to impress you. They might share their achievements or accomplishments in the hope of gaining your admiration. This is a clear sign that they want you to take notice and make a move towards a more meaningful relationship.

Pay attention to these subtle cues of seeking your approval, as they are an indication that your crush is waiting for you to take the lead.

Increased Communication

Lastly, if your crush initiates and maintains consistent communication with you, it's a strong sign that they're interested in you and want you to make a move. They may reach out through messaging or social media, showing that they enjoy talking to you and want to continue building a connection.

In addition to frequency, pay attention to the content of their messages. Do they ask personal questions or show genuine interest in your life? Do they reply promptly and engage in meaningful conversations? These are indicators that your crush is invested in getting to know you better and wants you to reciprocate their interest.

If you notice an increase in communication from your crush, it's a clear signal that they're waiting for you to make a move and take the relationship further.

    • Natalie Mcdonalid
    • 09-24 14:04:04

    Is it possible for someone to show these signs but not be interested in a romantic relationship?

    • Brandy Lopez
    • 09-23 20:06:05

    I followed these signs and finally made a move, and now I'm in a happy relationship!

    • Bertha Simmons
    • 09-22 11:20:30

    My crush showed all of these signs, but I was too scared to make a move. I regret not taking the chance.

    • Elizabeth Hale
    • 09-21 11:19:39

    Thank you for this post! I've been unsure about my crush's feelings, but now I have more clarity.

    • Josephine Jensen
    • 09-21 10:01:18

    I've been waiting for my crush to make a move, but maybe I should be the one to initiate it.

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