Growing 42 Onions in 2 sq. ft. space - Over 25 lbs Onions Harvested!
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Growing 42 Onions in 2 sq. ft. space - Over 25 lbs Onions Harvested!


Learn how to grow an abundant harvest of onions in a small space. Discover the tips and techniques to maximize your onion harvest and enjoy delicious, homegrown onions all year round.

Choosing the Right Container for Onion Gardening

In today's tutorial, I'm excited to discuss how you can grow an impressive number of onions in a small space. The first step in successful onion gardening is choosing the right container. Opt for a container with at least 2 square feet of surface area to accommodate a high volume of onion plants.

Consider using a GreenStalk Garden Planter, which is perfect for small space gardening. It provides multiple tiers for planting and has a compact footprint, making it ideal for balconies, patios, or even indoor gardening. Check out the GreenStalk Garden Planter on Amazon using the keyword 'GreenStalk Garden Planter' to get started with your onion gardening journey.

GreenStalk Garden Planter

GreenStalk Garden Planter

Preparing the Soil and Planting Onions

Once you have the right container, it's crucial to prepare the soil properly for onion gardening. Onions require well-draining soil and prefer a slightly acidic pH level. Add a generous amount of organic matter, such as earthworm castings, to enrich the soil and provide essential nutrients for healthy onion growth.

VermisTerra offers high-quality earthworm castings that are perfect for organic gardening. Use the coupon code 'cag' on VermisTerra's website to get 10% off your purchase of earthworm castings. Simply search for 'VermisTerra earthworm castings' on Amazon to find the product and enjoy a discount on your order.

VermisTerra Earthworm Castings

VermisTerra Earthworm Castings

Caring for Your Onion Plants

Once you have planted your onion sets or seedlings, it's important to provide proper care to ensure a bountiful harvest. Onions prefer full sun, so place your container in a sunny location. Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Fertilize your onion plants every two weeks with an organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen to encourage strong leaf growth. You can also mulch around the plants to suppress weeds and conserve moisture in the soil. With diligent care, you'll be able to grow healthy onion plants and enjoy a plentiful onion harvest.

Onion Plants in a Sunny Location

Onion Plants in a Sunny Location

    • Dolores Jennings
    • 09-24 11:12:13

    Great tutorial! I've always struggled with growing onions in my limited balcony space. But now, I feel confident about trying it out.

    • Caroline Riley
    • 09-22 16:32:52

    I never knew onions required regular fertilizer. Will definitely incorporate that into my onion gardening routine.

    • Frances Sanders
    • 09-21 14:11:10

    The GreenStalk Garden Planter looks perfect for my apartment. Can't wait to grow my own onions!

    • Amy Nguyen
    • 09-21 10:54:42

    This tutorial was so helpful! I can't wait to have a homegrown supply of onions.

    • Kathy Cunningham
    • 09-20 11:16:02

    Thank you for the discount code! Just ordered the VermisTerra earthworm castings. Excited to see the results.

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