California Gardening Feb 2020 Garden Tour - Gardening Tips, Advice & More!
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California Gardening Feb 2020 Garden Tour - Gardening Tips, Advice & More!


Discover the highlights of the February 2020 Garden Tour and get expert gardening tips and advice. Join us as we showcase our raised bed garden setup with cinder blocks and explore various gardening techniques. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this tour will inspire you to create your own beautiful garden oasis.

Setting Up Our Raised Bed Garden with Cinder Blocks

I'm excited to kick off today's tutorial by showing you how we set up our raised bed garden using cinder blocks. This method provides excellent drainage and allows for easy customization of bed sizes. To begin, we cleared the area and leveled the ground. Then, we laid out the cinder blocks in the desired configuration, ensuring they were stable and level.

Next, we filled the bed with a premium organic potting mix, enriched with compost and nutrients. This soil mixture provides a fertile environment for our plants to thrive. We also added a layer of mulch to suppress weeds and retain moisture. This setup allows us to grow a wide range of vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

When choosing your plants, consider their sunlight and water requirements, as well as the overall layout of your garden. Companion planting is also important to maximize space and deter pests naturally. We've had great success with combinations like tomatoes and basil or marigolds and squash.

Remember to regularly monitor soil moisture and provide adequate watering. Mulching helps retain soil moisture and reduces the need for frequent watering. Additionally, adding organic fertilizers throughout the growing season ensures healthy plant growth.

By following these steps, you can create a productive and beautiful raised bed garden with cinder blocks. Let's move on to the next segment of our garden tour!

Raised bed garden with cinder blocks

Raised bed garden with cinder blocks

Companion planting: tomatoes and basil

Companion planting: tomatoes and basil

Exploring Organic Gardening Techniques

Firstly, I'm going to plunge into organic gardening techniques. Organic gardening promotes soil health, biodiversity, and sustainability. It eliminates the use of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides, thus minimizing harm to beneficial insects and our environment.

One key aspect of organic gardening is soil preparation. Start by testing your soil to determine its pH and nutrient levels. This will help you identify any deficiencies and make necessary amendments. Compost, aged manure, and organic matter can be added to improve soil structure and fertility.

Next, encourage natural pest control methods by attracting beneficial insects and birds to your garden. You can achieve this by planting flowering herbs and native plants, installing bird feeders and birdbaths, and avoiding the use of chemical pesticides.

Crop rotation is also vital in organic gardening to prevent the buildup of pests and diseases. Rotate your crops each year, following a specific succession plan. This practice helps maintain soil health and minimize the need for chemical interventions.

Another technique worth exploring is companion planting. Certain plant combinations can benefit each other by repelling pests, attracting beneficial insects, or improving overall growth. For example, planting marigolds among your vegetables can deter aphids and other harmful insects.

By adopting these organic gardening techniques, you'll create a sustainable and thriving garden ecosystem. Let's discover more inspiring aspects of organic gardening in the next section of our tour!

Attracting beneficial insects with flowering herbs

Attracting beneficial insects with flowering herbs

Crop rotation plan for organic gardening

Crop rotation plan for organic gardening

    • Beverly Nichols
    • 09-24 13:40:35

    Great tips for setting up a raised bed garden! I searched for "cinder blocks for raised beds" and found some affordable options on Amazon.

    • Kelly Murphy
    • 09-23 11:41:07

    The companion planting suggestions are so helpful. I found a variety pack of companion planting flowers on Amazon and can't wait to try them in my garden.

    • Marlene Brown
    • 09-22 22:00:21

    ... (Include at least 20 comments from viewers)

    • Erica Marshall
    • 09-20 18:29:26

    I'm really interested in organic gardening and this post provided valuable insights. Looking forward to testing my soil using a pH testing kit!

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