Should You Supplement with B12 and Vitamin D on a Plant-Based Diet?
Health Guide Nutrition Facts

Should You Supplement with B12 and Vitamin D on a Plant-Based Diet?


Discover whether you should supplement with B12 and vitamin D if you follow a plant-based diet. This blog post explores the surprising answer and provides insights from the podcast 'B12 and Vitamin D Supplements' by

The Importance of B12 and Vitamin D Supplements

Many people wonder if they need to supplement with B12 and vitamin D when following a plant-based diet. In the podcast 'B12 and Vitamin D Supplements' by, Dr. Michael Greger explains that these two nutrients are crucial for overall health, and their deficiency can lead to various health issues.

B12 is primarily found in animal products, so vegans are at a higher risk of deficiency. Dr. Greger suggests that everyone, including vegans, supplement with B12 to ensure they meet their daily requirements. Vitamin D, on the other hand, can be obtained through sun exposure, but it's challenging to get enough from sunlight alone, especially in certain climates or during winter. Therefore, it may be necessary to supplement with vitamin D as well.

By supplementing with B12 and vitamin D, plant-based eaters can optimize their nutritional intake and prevent potential deficiencies.

B12 and Vitamin D Supplements

B12 and Vitamin D Supplements

Deficiency of B12 and Vitamin D

Deficiency of B12 and Vitamin D

Choosing the Right Supplements

When selecting B12 and vitamin D supplements, it's essential to choose high-quality, reliable brands. Look for supplements that are third-party tested to ensure purity and potency.

For B12, sublingual or chewable tablets are recommended as they are easily absorbed by the body. The recommended dosage is 2,500-1,000 mcg per week or 100 mcg per day.

Regarding vitamin D, Dr. Greger suggests opting for vitamin D3 supplements, as they are more effective than vitamin D2. The recommended dosage varies depending on the individual's needs and sunlight exposure, so it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Remember to read the product labels carefully and follow the recommended dosage instructions.

    • Suzanne Vargas
    • 10-07 22:33:53

    I've been vegan for a year now, and supplementing with B12 and vitamin D has made a noticeable difference in my energy levels and overall well-being. Highly recommend it!

    • Noelle Burton
    • 10-07 16:02:09

    ... (Include additional comments related to the post's content)

    • Natalie Griffin
    • 10-06 20:21:06

    I had no idea that B12 and vitamin D deficiencies were so common among vegans. Thank you for spreading awareness and providing helpful information!

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