How to Grow Microgreens from Start to End - Complete Microgreens Growing Guide
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How to Grow Microgreens from Start to End - Complete Microgreens Growing Guide


Learn how to grow microgreens from start to finish with this complete growing guide. Discover the latest and newest method for growing microgreens and get expert tips and insights along the way.

The Benefits of Growing Microgreens

Microgreens are packed with nutrients and are a great addition to any diet. They are easy to grow at home and require very little space. Plus, they are ready to harvest in just a few weeks!

By growing your own microgreens, you can ensure that they are fresh and free from pesticides. Additionally, microgreens are a cost-effective way to add fresh greens to your meals.

Not only are microgreens nutritious, but they also come in a variety of flavors and colors, making them a versatile ingredient in the kitchen.

In this complete microgreens growing guide, we will take you through the entire process of growing microgreens step by step.

Microgreens samples in different colors and flavors

Microgreens samples in different colors and flavors

Harvested microgreens ready to be enjoyed

Harvested microgreens ready to be enjoyed

Step 1: Choosing the Right Seeds

The first step in growing microgreens is choosing the right seeds. Look for high-quality organic seeds that are specifically labeled for microgreens.

Some popular microgreen seeds include broccoli, radish, kale, and sunflower. Experiment with different varieties to find your favorites.

Make sure to buy seeds suitable for microgreens and not regular seeds meant for full-sized plants. Microgreen seeds are harvested at an early stage to maximize their nutrient content.

For the purpose of this guide, we will be using broccoli microgreen seeds.

Organic microgreen seeds labelled for microgreens

Organic microgreen seeds labelled for microgreens

Broccoli microgreen seeds

Broccoli microgreen seeds

Step 2: Preparing the Growing Medium

To grow microgreens, you will need a growing medium. A popular choice is a soil-less medium, such as coconut coir or peat moss.

Fill a shallow tray with the growing medium and moisten it thoroughly. Make sure the tray has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Spread the seeds evenly on top of the moistened medium. You don't need to bury them, as they will germinate and grow on the surface.

Cover the tray with a lid or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect and maintain moisture. Keep the tray in a warm and well-lit area, away from direct sunlight.

In about 2-3 days, you will start to see the seeds germinate and tiny green shoots emerge.

Shallow tray filled with moistened growing medium

Shallow tray filled with moistened growing medium

Germinating microgreen seeds

Germinating microgreen seeds

Step 3: Caring for Your Microgreens

Once the seeds have germinated, remove the lid or plastic wrap and place the tray in a well-lit area. A sunny windowsill or a grow light setup works great.

Water the microgreens gently using a spray bottle or a watering can with a fine rose attachment. Be careful not to overwater, as it can lead to mold or root rot.

As the microgreens grow, they will develop their first set of true leaves, indicating that they are ready to be harvested. This usually takes about 7-10 days.

To harvest, simply use a pair of clean scissors to cut the microgreens just above the surface of the growing medium. Rinse them gently under running water and pat them dry.

Now your freshly harvested microgreens are ready to be enjoyed in salads, smoothies, sandwiches, or as a garnish on your favorite dishes!

Microgreens growing under grow lights

Microgreens growing under grow lights

Harvested microgreens being rinsed

Harvested microgreens being rinsed

    • Rosa Barnett
    • 09-23 13:59:41

    I never knew how easy it is to grow microgreens at home! This guide is so helpful and the illustrations make it even better for visual learners.

    • Lillian Jennings
    • 09-22 21:44:18

    I can't wait to try growing my own microgreens now. This guide has inspired me to get started!

    • Carrie Lawrence
    • 09-22 18:33:47

    Do you have any recommendations for other types of microgreens to try?

    • Amy Bowman
    • 09-22 15:43:54

    Harvesting microgreens has never been easier with your step-by-step instructions. Thank you!

    • Zoey Lambert
    • 09-22 12:49:34

    Thank you for including the specific instructions for choosing the right seeds. I always wondered why some seeds didn't work well for microgreens.

    • Teresa Woods
    • 09-20 18:32:45

    Great tips on caring for microgreens. I had trouble with overwatering in the past, so this advice is valuable.

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