Discover the four essential steps to naturally overcome sugar cravings, as explained by Dr. Josh Axe. Learn how to balance blood sugar levels, incorporate healthy fats, protein, and fiber into your diet, and select the right supplements and exercises to curb sugar cravings.
,,Dr. Josh Axe emphasizes the importance of balancing blood sugar levels to overcome sugar cravings naturally. He discusses the role of insulin and recommends adding foods that balance blood sugar levels, such as healthy fats, protein, and fiber, into your diet.
Balancing Blood Sugar Levels
Dr. Axe highlights the significance of incorporating healthy fats, protein, and fiber into every meal to balance blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings. He suggests sources of these nutrients, such as organic grass-fed beef, free-range eggs, and nuts and seeds.
Healthy Fats, Protein, and Fiber
Dr. Axe recommends specific supplements, including chromium, B vitamins, and probiotics, to help balance blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings. He advises viewers to find high-quality supplements to support their journey.
Supplements for Sugar Cravings
Dr. Axe explains the impact of different types of exercise on sugar cravings. He suggests focusing on weight training, yoga, pilates, or burst training to stabilize blood sugar levels and minimize sugar cravings.
Right Type of Exercise
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I appreciate the specific supplement recommendations. It's helpful to know exactly what to look for when shopping for supplements to curb sugar cravings.
The emphasis on incorporating healthy fats, protein, and fiber into every meal is a game-changer. I'm excited to see the impact on my sugar cravings.
Great tips on naturally overcoming sugar cravings! I've already started incorporating these changes into my diet and I can feel the difference.