The Surprising Signs of Touch Starvation and How to Overcome Them
Health Guide Mental Health Tips

The Surprising Signs of Touch Starvation and How to Overcome Them


Discover the surprising signs of touch starvation and learn how to overcome them. If your love language is physical touch, this post is for you.

Increased Feeling of Loneliness and Isolation

One of the surprising signs of touch starvation is an increased feeling of loneliness and isolation. When we lack physical touch, we may start to feel disconnected from others and experience a deep sense of longing for human contact.

Research has shown that physical touch releases oxytocin, also known as the 'cuddle hormone', which helps us feel connected to others and reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Without regular physical touch, we may become more prone to feelings of loneliness.

To overcome this, it's important to find alternative ways of experiencing touch. This can include hugging friends and family members, cuddling with a pet, or even practicing self-massage. Engaging in activities that promote connection, such as joining a club or taking a dance class, can also help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Illustration: Person feeling lonely and isolated

Illustration: Person feeling lonely and isolated

Illustration: Hugging a loved one

Illustration: Hugging a loved one

Heightened Sensitivity to Touch

Another sign of touch starvation is a heightened sensitivity to touch. When we lack regular physical touch, our bodies and minds can become more sensitive to even the slightest touch or contact.

This increased sensitivity can manifest as feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable when someone touches us unexpectedly or in ways that we're not used to. It can also lead to a desire for deep pressure touch, such as hugs or weighted blankets, to help regulate our nervous system.

To address this, it's important to communicate your sensitivity to touch with others and establish boundaries that make you feel comfortable. You can also try incorporating activities that provide deep pressure touch into your daily routine, such as using a foam roller or taking warm baths.

Remember, everyone's sensitivity to touch is different, so it's essential to listen to your body and prioritize self-care.

Illustration: Person feeling sensitive to touch

Illustration: Person feeling sensitive to touch

Illustration: Using a foam roller for deep pressure touch

Illustration: Using a foam roller for deep pressure touch

Emotional Imbalance and Lack of Intimacy

Lack of physical touch can also contribute to emotional imbalance and a sense of lacking intimacy in our lives. Physical touch is an essential aspect of intimacy and can help us feel connected and loved.

Without regular physical touch, we may struggle to establish and maintain deep emotional connections with others. This can lead to feelings of emotional imbalance, as well as a lack of fulfillment in our relationships.

To combat this, it's important to prioritize physical touch in our lives. This can include scheduling regular date nights or quality time with our partners, engaging in activities that promote intimacy such as massages or cuddling, and openly communicating our needs and desires for physical touch.

Remember, building and maintaining healthy relationships requires effort from both partners, so it's essential to have open and honest conversations about your love languages and needs for physical intimacy.

Illustration: Couple lacking intimacy

Illustration: Couple lacking intimacy

    • Aubree Holt
    • 09-24 12:17:04

    I've been struggling with emotional imbalance in my relationship, and I think touch starvation might be a contributing factor. I'll definitely try incorporating more physical touch and communication into my relationship. Valuable -driven content! #EmotionalIntimacy #

    • Brandy Alvarez
    • 09-23 22:39:52

    These illustrations really capture the emotions and experiences of touch starvation. They enhance the blog post and make it more engaging. Awesome use of visuals for ! #Illustrations #

    • Hilda Hall
    • 09-23 21:40:12

    This post explains so well why I've been feeling more sensitive to touch lately. I never made the connection to touch starvation before. Thank you for the insights and tips! #TouchSensitivity #

    • Emma Scott
    • 09-22 11:52:54

    As someone with a physical touch love language, I can completely relate to feeling lonely and isolated without regular physical contact. It's reassuring to know there are alternative ways to experience touch. Great -friendly content! #PhysicalTouchLoveLanguage #

    • Emily Warren
    • 09-21 12:15:02

    I never realized how important physical touch was until I watched this post. Thank you for shedding light on this topic and providing helpful tips for overcoming touch starvation. # #TouchStarvation

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