Texting Your Crush: Proven Psychological Techniques to Keep Them Interested
Health Guide Mental Health Tips

Texting Your Crush: Proven Psychological Techniques to Keep Them Interested


Discover effective strategies to maintain your crush's interest through text messages. Learn how reciprocal self-disclosure, the Ben Franklin effect, and similar attraction theory can enhance your communication.

Reciprocal Self-Disclosure: Building Emotional Connection

Reciprocal self-disclosure involves sharing intimate thoughts and feelings to deepen a connection. Research shows that discussing personal topics can bring people closer. Try asking open-ended questions to foster this bond.

Illustration of a deep conversation

Illustration of a deep conversation

The Ben Franklin Effect: Enhancing Likability

Helping someone can lead to increased positive feelings towards them. Use this effect by asking your crush for a small favor. This can create a sense of connection and interest.

Visual representation of helping behavior

Visual representation of helping behavior

Similar Attraction Theory: Finding Common Ground

People are often more attracted to those who share similar views and beliefs. Highlight common interests in your conversations to create a sense of connection and understanding.

Image depicting shared interests

Image depicting shared interests

    • Marian Jennings
    • 06-20 16:35:05

    Great tips! I tried asking for advice and it really sparked a deeper conversation with my crush.

    • Ruby Lawrence
    • 06-19 19:23:44

    Highlighting common interests has made texting my crush so much easier. Thanks for the advice!

    • Janet Harvey
    • 06-18 16:13:18

    The Ben Franklin effect works like a charm! Asking for a small favor definitely increased our connection.

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