Navigating Life with a Mentally Ill Parent: A Guide by Kati Morton
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Navigating Life with a Mentally Ill Parent: A Guide by Kati Morton


Discover practical tips and insights on how to cope with a parent who has a mental illness. Kati Morton, a licensed therapist, shares valuable advice on managing the challenges and finding support.

Understanding the Impact of Parental Mental Illness

Growing up with a mentally ill parent can be challenging, often leading to feelings of neglect and competition for care.

While movies depict dramatic events, the reality is that daily struggles can cause emotional pain and a sense of being unloved.

Fear and shame are common emotions, with children often unsure of their parent's moods or how to seek help.

The experience can also lead to a sense of responsibility beyond one's years, impacting childhood and future relationships.

Challenges of Growing Up with a Mentally Ill Parent

Challenges of Growing Up with a Mentally Ill Parent

Effects of Parental Mental Illness on Children

Effects of Parental Mental Illness on Children

Seeking Support and Healing

Moving out and seeking professional help are crucial steps in managing the impact of parental mental illness.

Saving up and reaching out for support can provide a safe space away from potential stress at home.

Therapy, counseling, and support groups offer valuable resources for healing and understanding trauma.

Setting boundaries and managing expectations can aid in creating a healthier dynamic with the mentally ill parent.

Seeking Professional Support for Coping

Seeking Professional Support for Coping

Joining Support Groups for Healing

Joining Support Groups for Healing

    • Billie Grant
    • 05-09 11:00:20

    As someone who grew up with a mentally ill parent, I found these tips incredibly helpful in navigating my own healing journey. Thank you, Kati!

    • Stacy Ward
    • 05-06 14:20:55

    The emphasis on setting boundaries and seeking professional support resonated with me. It's crucial to prioritize our own well-being in such situations.

    • Rose Garrett
    • 05-05 18:47:20

    I appreciate the practical advice on moving out and finding support. It's empowering to take control of our own healing process.

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