Natural Cures for Insomnia | Dr. Josh Axe
Health Guide Mental Health Tips

Natural Cures for Insomnia | Dr. Josh Axe


Discover the top natural treatments for insomnia and learn how to improve the quality of your sleep. Dr. Josh Axe shares his expert insights on overcoming sleep deprivation and reducing stress to help you fall asleep faster.

Eliminating Carbohydrates Before Bed

One of the most common issues people face is trouble falling asleep or struggling with insomnia. Dr. Axe recommends reducing carbohydrate consumption before bed to improve sleep quality. Lowering sugar and grain intake can help your body relax and prepare for sleep.

In addition, consuming good quality fats, such as avocado or organic yogurt, can aid in falling asleep faster. These foods are high in magnesium and potassium, essential nutrients for relaxation and better sleep.

Reducing carbohydrate intake before bed

Reducing carbohydrate intake before bed

Avocado and organic yogurt for better sleep

Avocado and organic yogurt for better sleep

Reducing Stress and Electronic Usage

Stress and electronic usage can significantly impact your ability to fall asleep. Dr. Axe recommends shutting off all electronics at least 30 minutes before bed to reduce exposure to blue light, which disrupts circadian rhythms and cortisol levels.

Engaging in relaxing activities such as reading or journaling can help calm the mind and prepare for sleep. Additionally, addressing sources of stress and scheduling enjoyable activities can contribute to a better mood and improved sleep.

Reducing electronic usage before bed

Reducing electronic usage before bed

Relaxing activities before bedtime

Relaxing activities before bedtime

Quality Supplements and Essential Oils

Taking quality supplements like magnesium can aid in reducing stress and improving sleep. Dr. Axe recommends a high-quality magnesium supplement before bed to promote relaxation.

Using essential oils such as lavender and chamomile can also help induce sleep. Diffusing lavender oil or taking a warm bath with lavender oil and Epsom salts can create a relaxing environment for better sleep.

Magnesium supplement for better sleep

Magnesium supplement for better sleep

Lavender essential oil for relaxation

Lavender essential oil for relaxation

Lifestyle Changes for Improved Sleep

Simple lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a cool temperature in your bedroom, ensuring a comfortable bed, and creating a dark environment, can contribute to better sleep. Dr. Axe emphasizes the importance of environmental factors in promoting quality sleep.

Creating a comfortable sleep environment

Creating a comfortable sleep environment

    • Marlene Carpenter
    • 02-08 19:17:18

    I've already noticed a difference in my sleep quality after making these changes. Highly recommend!

    • Lucy Watts
    • 02-08 15:18:29

    I never realized the impact of electronic usage on my sleep. Great insights!

    • Esther Mccoy
    • 02-04 15:37:42

    These tips have been incredibly helpful for improving my sleep. Thank you, Dr. Axe!

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