Feeling Stuck in Therapy? 6 Ways to Overcome the Stagnancy
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Feeling Stuck in Therapy? 6 Ways to Overcome the Stagnancy


Feeling stuck in therapy can be frustrating and disheartening. But it's important to remember that therapy is a process, not perfection. In this blog post, I'll share six ways to overcome that stuck feeling and continue making progress in therapy.

Talk About It in Therapy

One of the first steps to overcome feeling stuck in therapy is to talk about it with your therapist. Communication is key in therapy, and if you're not feeling like you're making progress or finding therapy helpful, it's important to bring it up. Your therapist won't think you're being hurtful, and addressing the issue can help you and your therapist work together to find a solution.

Therapy session

Therapy session

Revisit Your Therapy Goals

Sometimes feeling stuck in therapy can be a sign that your goals need to be revisited. Goals can change over time, and it's important to make sure they still align with what you want to achieve in therapy. Talk to your therapist about your goals and see if any adjustments need to be made.

Writing therapy goals

Writing therapy goals

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Therapists sometimes fall into the trap of validating everything their patients say without offering another perspective. If you feel like your therapist isn't challenging your negative thoughts, it's okay to bring it up. Asking your therapist to challenge you more can help you break free from negative thought cycles and gain a new perspective.

Therapist challenging negative thoughts

Therapist challenging negative thoughts

Set Therapy Boundaries

It's important for both therapists and patients to set boundaries in therapy. Therapists shouldn't work harder than their patients, and patients shouldn't rely solely on their therapist to fix everything. Taking responsibility for your own progress and setting boundaries can help create a healthier therapeutic relationship.

Therapist and patient setting boundaries

Therapist and patient setting boundaries

Dig Deeper

If you're working hard in therapy, have a good relationship with your therapist, but still feel stuck, it may be helpful to dig deeper. Sometimes there are underlying issues or traumas that need to be addressed before progress can be made. Talk to your therapist about the possibility of exploring deeper issues.

Digging deeper in therapy

Digging deeper in therapy


As a therapist, it's important for me to check in with myself and reflect on my own actions and reactions in therapy. Patients can also benefit from self-reflection and noticing any transference or countertransference that may be happening. Self-reflection can help uncover any underlying issues that may be contributing to feeling stuck in therapy.

Self-reflection in therapy

Self-reflection in therapy

    • Nina Stewart
    • 11-03 21:35:31

    Challenging negative thoughts in therapy has been a game-changer for me. It's amazing how much our thoughts can impact our progress.

    • Jamie Berry
    • 11-03 16:28:21

    Digging deeper in therapy was tough but so worth it. It helped me uncover underlying issues that were holding me back.

    • Diana Miles
    • 11-02 22:59:52

    I've definitely felt stuck in therapy before, but talking about it with my therapist and revisiting my goals helped me get back on track.

    • Charlotte Porter
    • 11-02 13:55:16

    Self-reflection in therapy has been eye-opening for me. It's helped me uncover patterns and work through any transference or countertransference.

    • Penny Ortiz
    • 11-02 10:54:41

    Setting boundaries in therapy was a game-changer for me. It helped me take more ownership of my progress and not rely solely on my therapist.

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