8 Things Anxiety Makes You Do (That You May Not Know)
Health Guide Mental Health Tips

8 Things Anxiety Makes You Do (That You May Not Know)


In this blog post, I delve into the topic of anxiety and explore 8 things it makes us do that we may not be aware of. Join me as we dive into the various ways anxiety can affect our lives and discover strategies to manage it effectively.

Understanding Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide

Anxiety is a common experience that affects people from all walks of life. It can manifest in various ways and impact different areas of our lives.

The first thing to understand about anxiety is that it is more than just feeling nervous or worried. It is a persistent and excessive fear or worry about everyday situations.

Anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating, and shortness of breath. It can also lead to behavioral changes and affect our relationships, work, and overall well-being.

By raising awareness about anxiety and its symptoms, we can better understand ourselves and others who may be struggling with it.

Anxiety symptom infographic

Anxiety symptom infographic

Effects of anxiety on relationships

Effects of anxiety on relationships

8 Things Anxiety Makes You Do

Let's explore 8 common behaviors or responses that anxiety can elicit. By recognizing these patterns, we can gain insight into our own experiences and find ways to manage them effectively.

1. Overthinking: Anxiety often leads to a constant cycle of overthinking and analyzing every situation. This can be exhausting and prevent us from fully enjoying the present moment.

2. Avoidance: Anxiety can make us avoid certain situations or activities that trigger our fears. However, avoiding these situations can reinforce our anxiety and prevent us from facing our fears head-on.

3. Seeking Reassurance: Anxious individuals may constantly seek reassurance from others to alleviate their fears and doubts. While seeking support is important, relying too much on it can hinder our ability to develop self-confidence.

4. Perfectionism: Anxiety often fuels the desire for perfectionism. We may set unrealistic standards for ourselves and become overly critical of our mistakes, leading to increased stress and self-doubt.

5. People-Pleasing: Anxiety can make us overly concerned with how others perceive us. We might find ourselves constantly seeking approval and avoiding conflict to maintain a sense of security.

6. Procrastination: Anxiety can lead to procrastination due to fear of failure or the overwhelming nature of certain tasks. This can further increase stress levels and negatively impact our productivity.

7. Hypervigilance: Anxious individuals are often hypervigilant and constantly on high alert for potential threats. This heightened state of awareness can be exhausting and contribute to feelings of anxiety.

8. Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and gastrointestinal issues. These symptoms can further fuel anxiety and create a vicious cycle.

By recognizing these behaviors and their connection to anxiety, we can take steps to address them and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Cycle of overthinking and anxiety

Cycle of overthinking and anxiety

Managing Anxiety: Strategies and Coping Techniques

Now that we've explored the different ways anxiety can manifest in our lives, let's discuss strategies and coping techniques to manage it effectively.

1. Deep Breathing: Practicing deep breathing exercises can help to calm the body and mind during moments of anxiety.

2. Mindfulness: Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga can help to ground ourselves in the present moment and reduce anxiety.

3. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a therapeutic approach that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with anxiety. It can be highly effective in managing anxiety.

4. Self-Care: Taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally is crucial in managing anxiety. This includes activities like exercise, getting enough sleep, and engaging in hobbies that bring us joy.

5. Seeking Support: It is important to reach out for support from friends, family, or mental health professionals when needed. Talking about our anxieties and concerns with someone we trust can provide valuable perspective and assistance.

By incorporating these strategies into our daily lives, we can develop resilience and manage anxiety in a healthy and effective manner.

    • Tara Stone
    • 09-24 10:52:50

    The shopping list is a great addition! It's always helpful to have recommendations for products that can aid in managing anxiety. Will definitely be checking those out on Amazon.

    • Carolyn Bradley
    • 09-23 11:54:51

    I found this article really helpful in understanding my anxiety better. The illustrations were spot-on, and the coping techniques suggested are practical and effective.

    • Julia Davis
    • 09-22 21:04:04

    Thank you for shedding light on the different ways anxiety can manifest in our lives. It's crucial to have these conversations to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

    • Annie Jensen
    • 09-21 22:51:11

    As someone who struggles with anxiety, I appreciate the emphasis on recognizing the behaviors anxiety can trigger. It helps to know that I'm not alone in experiencing these things.

    • Leah Franklin
    • 09-20 20:54:43

    I've tried some of the coping techniques mentioned here, and they really work! It's important to find what works best for you and incorporate it into your daily routine.

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