5 Things to Do Before You Start Therapy or Counseling
Health Guide Mental Health Tips

5 Things to Do Before You Start Therapy or Counseling


Get ready for therapy or counseling with these 5 essential things to do beforehand. Learn the basics of therapy 101 and what you need to know before starting your therapeutic journey.

Educate Yourself about Therapy and Counseling

Before starting therapy or counseling, it's important to educate yourself about the process. Learn about the different types of therapies available, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or psychodynamic therapy, and the benefits they offer. Familiarize yourself with common therapy terms and concepts, like confidentiality and informed consent.

Understanding the basics of therapy will help you feel more prepared and confident as you begin your therapeutic journey.

Illustration of a person reading a book on therapy with keywords 'therapy education'

Illustration of a person reading a book on therapy with keywords 'therapy education'

Visual representation of different therapy approaches with keywords 'therapy types'

Visual representation of different therapy approaches with keywords 'therapy types'

Find the Right Therapist

One of the most important things to do before starting therapy is finding the right therapist for you. Research therapists in your area and read their bios and reviews. Consider their areas of expertise and therapeutic approach to ensure it aligns with your needs and preferences.

Remember to prioritize factors like therapy format (in-person or online), affordability, and availability. It's crucial to find a therapist you feel comfortable and safe opening up to.

Visual representation of a person browsing therapist profiles online with keywords 'find therapist'

Visual representation of a person browsing therapist profiles online with keywords 'find therapist'

Illustration of a person having a conversation with a therapist with keywords 'therapist-client interaction'

Illustration of a person having a conversation with a therapist with keywords 'therapist-client interaction'

Prepare for Your First Session

Before attending your first therapy session, it's helpful to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. Reflect on your reasons for seeking therapy and identify specific goals you'd like to work on. Consider what you hope to achieve through therapy and any concerns or questions you may have.

Additionally, ensure you have any necessary paperwork or insurance information ready. Taking these steps will help you make the most out of your initial session and establish a solid foundation for your therapeutic journey.

Illustration of a person journaling their thoughts and intentions with keywords 'prepare for therapy session'

Illustration of a person journaling their thoughts and intentions with keywords 'prepare for therapy session'

Visual representation of a person organizing their paperwork and insurance documents with keywords 'therapy paperwork'

Visual representation of a person organizing their paperwork and insurance documents with keywords 'therapy paperwork'

Communicate Openly with Your Therapist

Effective therapy requires open and honest communication between you and your therapist. Establish a comfortable and trusting relationship with your therapist by openly sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Be willing to engage in self-reflection and explore challenging topics.

Remember, therapy is a collaborative process, and your active participation is vital for its success. By communicating openly with your therapist, you can work together towards your therapeutic goals.

Illustration of a person in therapy session sharing their thoughts with keywords 'open communication in therapy'

Illustration of a person in therapy session sharing their thoughts with keywords 'open communication in therapy'

Visual representation of a person and therapist engaged in a meaningful conversation with keywords 'therapeutic dialogue'

Visual representation of a person and therapist engaged in a meaningful conversation with keywords 'therapeutic dialogue'

Practice Self-Care Outside of Therapy

In addition to attending therapy sessions, it's crucial to practice self-care outside of therapy. Engage in activities that promote your overall well-being, such as exercise, journaling, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Prioritize self-care practices that resonate with you and help you manage stress and emotions.

Remember, therapy is not a quick fix, and progress takes time. Taking care of yourself outside of sessions allows you to integrate therapeutic insights and strategies into your daily life.

Illustration of a person practicing yoga with keywords 'self-care activities'

Illustration of a person practicing yoga with keywords 'self-care activities'

Visual representation of a person engaging in a hobby they enjoy with keywords 'self-care hobbies'

Visual representation of a person engaging in a hobby they enjoy with keywords 'self-care hobbies'

    • Regina Dunn
    • 09-24 19:14:40

    Great advice! I've been thinking about starting therapy, and this post gave me some helpful tips on where to start.

    • Taylor Walker
    • 09-21 22:11:39

    Finding the right therapist can be overwhelming, but it's definitely worth taking the time to research and find someone who you connect with.

    • Elaine King
    • 09-21 13:38:15

    As someone who has been in therapy for a while, these tips are spot on. It's all about finding the right therapist and putting in the effort outside of sessions.

    • Bobbie Neal
    • 09-21 10:36:59

    I never knew there were different types of therapies. This was really informative!

    • Sylvia Newman
    • 09-20 20:55:15

    I appreciate the emphasis on self-care. It's easy to forget about ourselves, but it's so important to prioritize our own well-being.

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