5 Common Mind Games You Should NEVER Fall For (Narcissistic Manipulation)
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5 Common Mind Games You Should NEVER Fall For (Narcissistic Manipulation)


Unveiling the top 5 mind games that narcissists use to manipulate and control others. These subtle tactics can be detrimental, and it's crucial to recognize and avoid falling for them.

The Narcissistic Override

Gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and blaming are just a few of the mind games that narcissists use to manipulate others. One common tactic is the narcissistic override, where they monopolize conversations and don't let the other person speak.

According to author Preston Knee, this behavior is a characteristic of a narcissistic communicator. It's essential to recognize this and address the issue if it occurs.

Illustration of a conversation being dominated by a narcissist

Illustration of a conversation being dominated by a narcissist

Narcissistic Mirroring

Another tactic is narcissistic mirroring, where narcissists mirror their partner's behavior to manipulate them. This behavior is often a result of a lack of personal identity and an inability to feel and portray natural intimacy.

Visual representation of narcissistic mirroring

Visual representation of narcissistic mirroring

Sexual Coercion

Some narcissists resort to sexually coercive means to get what they want. This behavior is backed up by studies from the University of Texas at Dallas and Iowa State University, showing a correlation between narcissism and aggressive sexual behaviors.

Illustration depicting the concept of sexual coercion

Illustration depicting the concept of sexual coercion


Narcissistic rage and vindictiveness are common traits. Narcissists may hold grudges, engage in acts of sabotage, and use harmful tactics to get revenge.

Visual representation of narcissistic vindictiveness

Visual representation of narcissistic vindictiveness


Triangulation is a manipulation tactic used by narcissists to avoid direct conversations and manipulate situations. It often involves using a third person to take advantage of a situation.

Illustration depicting the concept of triangulation

Illustration depicting the concept of triangulation

    • Vickie Wilson
    • 01-28 11:22:20

    Thank you for shedding light on these manipulative tactics. It's crucial to raise awareness about narcissistic abuse.

    • Alexa Price
    • 01-26 13:16:06

    This post has helped me understand the importance of setting boundaries with narcissistic individuals. Thank you for the guidance.

    • Norma Scott
    • 01-25 12:43:22

    I've personally experienced the narcissistic override, and it's incredibly damaging. Your insights are valuable.

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