Inside A Floating House Hidden In The Woods | Unique Spaces
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Inside A Floating House Hidden In The Woods | Unique Spaces


Join architects Denise Ferris and Chan-li Lin as they reveal the design and construction of their unique floating house hidden in the woods. This self-designed weekend home combines structural engineering and artistic expression to create a truly one-of-a-kind space.

The Concept Behind the Floating House

To truly understand the ingenuity of Denise Ferris and Chan-li Lin's design, we need to delve into the concept behind the floating house. The architects aimed to create a space that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding natural environment while offering a sense of tranquility and escape.

By using a combination of structural engineering techniques, the house appears to float above the ground, defying conventional architectural norms. This unique approach not only creates a stunning visual effect but also allows the house to adapt to changing water levels in the surrounding area.

Through their artistic expression, Ferris and Lin have not only designed a functional living space but a work of art that harmonizes with nature.

Exterior view of the floating house in the woods

Exterior view of the floating house in the woods

Interior view of the floating house showcasing the artistic design elements

Interior view of the floating house showcasing the artistic design elements

Unique Features and Functional Design

The floating house is not just visually intriguing but also incorporates unique and functional design elements. One such feature is the extensive use of floor-to-ceiling windows, which not only flood the interior with natural light but also offer breathtaking views of the surrounding woods and water.

In terms of layout, the architects have carefully planned each space to maximize functionality and create a seamless flow between the various areas of the house. The open-concept living area seamlessly transitions into the dining and kitchen spaces, creating a sense of unity and connectivity.

Furthermore, the interior design of the house reflects the artistic sensibilities of Ferris and Lin. From carefully chosen color palettes to unique furniture and decor pieces, every element of the house contributes to the overall aesthetic appeal.

The floating house truly showcases the architects' ability to blend structural engineering principles with artistic expression, resulting in a space that is as functional as it is visually striking.

Floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the surrounding woods and water

Floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the surrounding woods and water

Open-concept living area seamlessly transitioning into the dining and kitchen spaces

Open-concept living area seamlessly transitioning into the dining and kitchen spaces

Experience Nature with the Floating House

Living in the floating house offers a unique opportunity to truly immerse oneself in the beauty of nature. The house's location in the woods creates a sense of seclusion and serenity, allowing residents to disconnect from the fast-paced world and find solace in the surrounding flora and fauna.

Additionally, the architects have incorporated outdoor living spaces, such as decks and terraces, that provide the perfect setting for enjoying the natural surroundings. Whether it's sipping coffee on the deck in the morning or stargazing on the terrace at night, the floating house offers endless opportunities to connect with nature.

If you're looking for a weekend getaway that combines architectural innovation with a deep appreciation for nature, the floating house hidden in the woods is the perfect choice.

Outdoor deck overlooking the surrounding woods

Outdoor deck overlooking the surrounding woods

Terrace with a view of the expansive natural landscape

Terrace with a view of the expansive natural landscape

    • Anna Wilson
    • 09-24 18:30:09

    I love the design of the floating house! The floor-to-ceiling windows really create a breathtaking view.

    • Joanne Barrett
    • 09-22 19:07:29

    I'm definitely considering a weekend getaway in a floating house. It's the perfect blend of modern design and natural beauty.

    • Nina Morrison
    • 09-21 21:27:34

    Can anyone recommend where to find similar furniture pieces? I love the style of the interior.

    • Christy Sanders
    • 09-20 21:08:23

    This is such a unique and artistic way to integrate a house with nature. Truly inspiring!

    • Jacqueline Cruz
    • 09-20 10:19:46

    The use of structural engineering to create the floating effect is genius. It's like a work of art!

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