April 'My 5' | Green Favorites
Eco-friendly Living Green Living Products

April 'My 5' | Green Favorites


In this month's 'My 5' post, I share my favorite green products, ethical brands, and insightful resources. Join me as I delve into the world of eco-friendly living and sustainable choices.

Glass Water Bottle from Soulbottles

Let's kick off with my favorite green product of the month - a glass water bottle from Soulbottles. This German-based company offers a range of beautifully designed glass bottles with wide necks and convenient pop tops. I've been on the hunt for a glass water bottle for a while, and Soulbottles has truly impressed me with their thoughtful design and eco-friendly approach.

Using a glass water bottle is not only better for the environment, but it also provides a safer and more enjoyable drinking experience. While it may be slightly heavier than plastic or metal bottles, the sustainability and aesthetic appeal make it a worthwhile choice. Plus, the unique designs on Soulbottles' products add a touch of personal style to my daily hydration routine.

Soulbottles Glass Water Bottle

Soulbottles Glass Water Bottle

Project JUST

Next, I want to shine a light on Project JUST, a website dedicated to reviewing brands based on their ethical and sustainable policies. This platform has been invaluable in helping me make more informed choices as a conscious consumer. By compiling comprehensive overviews and reviews of various brands, Project JUST empowers individuals to support companies that align with their values.

I believe resources like Project JUST are essential in today's world, where transparency and ethical practices are increasingly important. It's a great way to navigate the often overwhelming landscape of ethical and sustainable fashion and lifestyle brands.

Project JUST Website

Project JUST Website

Documentary Recommendation: Sweatshop Deadly Fashion

One of the most impactful documentaries I've watched recently is 'Sweatshop Deadly Fashion.' This eye-opening program follows individuals as they journey to Cambodia to learn about the realities of garment manufacturing. It provides a deeply personal perspective on the challenges faced by workers in the fashion industry, shedding light on the importance of ethical and sustainable fashion practices.

Sweatshop Deadly Fashion Documentary

Sweatshop Deadly Fashion Documentary

Insight: Paper Cup Recycling

In a surprising revelation, I recently learned that paper cups are not recyclable due to their plastic lining. This realization has prompted me to be more mindful of my choices when it comes to single-use items. It's a reminder that even seemingly eco-friendly options may have hidden environmental impacts.

Capsule Wardrobe Blog Recommendation: Into Mind

For those interested in building a capsule wardrobe and embracing minimalism, I highly recommend Anoushka's blog, 'Into Mind.' It's a treasure trove of valuable insights on personal style, minimalism, and ethical fashion. Anoushka's perspective has been a significant source of inspiration for me in curating my own sustainable wardrobe.

    • Ana Pierce
    • 01-09 14:10:04

    I've been meaning to watch 'Sweatshop Deadly Fashion' - thanks for the recommendation!

    • Jennie Davis
    • 01-08 17:49:03

    I never knew about the plastic lining in paper cups! Thanks for the eye-opening info.

    • Kaylee Rhodes
    • 01-06 11:08:00

    Project JUST has been a game-changer for me in making more conscious purchasing decisions.

    • Glenda Ray
    • 01-05 12:41:26

    Anoushka's blog has completely transformed my approach to fashion and shopping. Highly recommend!

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