30 Sustainable Resolution Ideas for a Green 2018
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30 Sustainable Resolution Ideas for a Green 2018


Discover 30 fabulous sustainable resolution ideas that will help you go green in 2018. From air drying clothes to watching environmental documentaries, these resolutions are easy to implement and have a positive impact on the planet. Read on to learn more!

Air Dry Your Clothes

One of the easiest ways to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle is to air dry your clothes instead of using a dryer. Not only does this save energy and reduce your carbon footprint, but it also helps extend the life of your clothes. Hang your clothes outside on a clothesline or use a drying rack indoors. You'll be amazed at how quickly they dry and how fresh they smell!

By air drying your clothes, you'll save money on energy bills and reduce wear and tear on your garments. Plus, it's a great way to enjoy a few peaceful minutes outdoors as you hang up your laundry. Give it a try and see the difference it can make in your life and in the environment.

Air drying clothes on a clothesline

Air drying clothes on a clothesline

Using a drying rack indoors

Using a drying rack indoors

Watch/Read Environmental Docs

If you're passionate about environmental issues, watching or reading documentaries and books on the subject is a great way to stay informed and inspired. There are plenty of thought-provoking films and books that explore topics like climate change, deforestation, and sustainable living.

By educating yourself about these important issues, you'll be better equipped to make informed choices and take action. Check out popular documentaries like 'An Inconvenient Truth' and 'Chasing Ice,' or dive into books like 'Silent Spring' by Rachel Carson and 'This Changes Everything' by Naomi Klein. Each of these resources will open your eyes to the challenges we face and the solutions that are within our reach.

Reduce Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental challenges we face. To reduce your contribution to this problem, start by making simple changes in your daily life. Carry a reusable water bottle and coffee cup, say no to plastic straws and utensils, and bring your own reusable shopping bags.

You can also choose products with less plastic packaging and opt for refillable containers whenever possible. Buy in bulk to minimize packaging waste, and look for alternatives to single-use plastic items like cling wrap and ziplock bags. Small changes like these can add up to make a big difference.

Remember, every piece of plastic you refuse or recycle helps reduce pollution and protect marine life. Let's work together to create a plastic-free future!

    • Charlotte Mcdonalid
    • 10-12 16:40:07

    I've switched to reusable alternatives and it feels great to reduce my plastic waste. Small changes really do make a difference.

    • Terry Lawson
    • 10-10 16:44:41

    I never realized how much energy I was wasting by using a dryer. I'll definitely start air drying my clothes!

    • Rosemary Vasquez
    • 10-08 17:14:09

    Watching documentaries has opened my eyes to the impact of my lifestyle choices. It's time to make some positive changes.

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