No Equipment Upper Body Workout for Great Arms, Shoulders, and Upper Back
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No Equipment Upper Body Workout for Great Arms, Shoulders, and Upper Back


Get a great upper body workout without any equipment. This routine targets your arms, shoulders, and upper back. Follow along with me as we do 50-second intervals with 10 seconds of rest in between. Check out the post for a quick and effective workout!

Upward Facing Plank with Leg Lift and Dip

Our first exercise is the upward facing plank with a leg lift and dip. Start by dropping down to the floor and going into an upward facing plank. Lift one leg, then the other, and then go down into a dip. Focus on keeping your body aligned and engage your triceps. This exercise targets your arms and upper back.

Remember to keep rotating and switching up which leg you lift first. If you need to take a break, go ahead and do so, but jump back in as soon as you can. This exercise is great for building strength in your upper body.

Upward Facing Plank with Leg Lift and Dip

Upward Facing Plank with Leg Lift and Dip

Rolling Side Plank

Next up, we have the rolling side plank. Start in a high plank position and then open up your arms to be in line with your shoulders. Lift one arm up and hold it for a second, then come back to the center and do it on the other side. This exercise targets your shoulders and core.

If this starts to get too hard, you can always drop to your knees and do the same movement. The key is to keep your body in a straight line and focus on squeezing your core. This exercise is great for building stability and strength in your upper body.

Rolling Side Plank

Rolling Side Plank

Rhomboid Squeezes

For the next exercise, we're going to do rhomboid squeezes. Start by reclining slightly and engage your core. Bring your arms back and squeeze them behind you. You should feel the tension between your shoulder blades. This exercise targets your upper back and helps improve your posture.

Remember to keep your back flat and focus on really squeezing your shoulder blades together. This exercise is great for strengthening your upper back and improving your posture.

Rhomboid Squeezes

Rhomboid Squeezes

Walk Down Planks and Slaps

Now, let's do walk down planks and slaps. Start by standing up and then walk down to a high plank position. Do a slap on each shoulder and then come back up. Try to alternate which hand is doing the initiating movement. This exercise targets your arms, shoulders, and core.

Remember to stay in control of your motion the entire time and don't swing your arms. This exercise is great for working your upper body and core.

Walk Down Planks and Slaps

Walk Down Planks and Slaps

Arm Circles

For the next exercise, we're going to do arm circles. Start by standing with your arms straight out from your shoulders. Begin drawing circles backwards. Try to keep your arms as straight as possible and focus on the tension in your shoulders. This exercise targets your shoulders and helps improve your upper body strength.

Remember to keep your arms straight and try not to let them come too close to your body. This exercise is great for working your shoulders and improving your upper body strength.

Arm Circles

Arm Circles

Pike Pushups

Lastly, we have pike pushups. Start in a downward dog position and then lower your head between your shoulders. Go down as far as you can while maintaining control. This exercise targets your triceps and shoulders.

Remember to engage your core and focus on keeping your body in a straight line. This exercise is great for building strength in your upper body.

Pike Pushups

Pike Pushups

    • Amy Andrews
    • 10-31 18:18:25

    I love that this workout doesn't require any equipment. Perfect for when I'm traveling!

    • Amy Simpson
    • 10-30 18:04:46

    The pike pushups were killer, but I can already feel my upper body getting stronger.

    • Christine Davidson
    • 10-29 17:57:49

    This routine is a great way to target your upper body without spending hours at the gym.

    • Delores Harvey
    • 10-29 14:09:52

    Great workout! I really felt the burn in my arms and shoulders.

    • Lucille Rodriquez
    • 10-28 10:36:11

    I added some dumbbells to the arm circles and it really amped up the intensity.

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