Abs and Obliques Workout - The 4 Best Exercises for Stronger Abs and a Toned Midsection
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Abs and Obliques Workout - The 4 Best Exercises for Stronger Abs and a Toned Midsection


In this post, I share an intense abs and obliques workout routine that will help you strengthen your core and achieve a toned midsection. I demonstrate the four best exercises for targeting your abs and obliques, and provide valuable information on how to perform the exercises correctly for maximum effectiveness. Follow along with me and get ready to feel the burn!

Exercise 1: Bicycle Crunches

I'm excited to kick off today's tutorial with one of the most effective exercises for sculpting your abs and obliques: bicycle crunches.

To perform bicycle crunches, lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs raised off the ground. Then, bring your left knee towards your right elbow as you twist your torso. Repeat on the other side, bringing your right knee towards your left elbow. Continue alternating sides in a pedaling motion.

Bicycle crunches target both your upper and lower abs, as well as your obliques. They are a great exercise for building core strength and improving stability.

Make sure to engage your core throughout the movement and focus on slow, controlled motions. Aim for three sets of 15-20 reps.

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Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Exercise 2: Russian Twists

Next up, we have Russian twists, another fantastic exercise for targeting your abs and obliques.

To perform Russian twists, sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet elevated off the floor. Lean back slightly while maintaining a straight back. Then, twist your torso to the right and touch the ground with your hands. Twist to the left and touch the ground on the other side. That's one rep.

Russian twists engage your entire core and help to strengthen your obliques. They also improve rotational stability.

Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the movement and maintain a slow and controlled pace. Aim for three sets of 12-15 reps.

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Russian Twists

Russian Twists

Exercise 3: Plank with Side Crunch

Now it's time to challenge your abs and obliques with the plank with side crunch exercise.

Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line. Then, bring your right knee towards your right elbow, engaging your obliques. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

The plank with side crunch is a compound exercise that targets your entire core and helps to improve stability and balance.

Focus on maintaining a strong plank position and avoid sagging or arching your back. Aim for three sets of 10-12 reps on each side.

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Plank with Side Crunch

Plank with Side Crunch

Exercise 4: Side Plank Dips

Last but not least, we have side plank dips, an excellent exercise for targeting your obliques.

Start by lying on your side with your forearm on the ground and your body in a straight line. Lift your hips off the ground and hold the side plank position. Then, lower your hips towards the ground and lift them back up. Repeat on the other side.

Side plank dips isolate your obliques and help to improve core stability and balance.

Focus on maintaining proper form and avoid letting your hips drop or rotate during the exercise. Aim for three sets of 8-10 reps on each side.

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Side Plank Dips

Side Plank Dips

    • Glenda Hawkins
    • 10-09 12:33:48

    As someone who is new to working out, I found this tutorial incredibly helpful. The elements of the blog post make it easy to find and the step-by-step instructions were perfect for a beginner like me.

    • Erika Day
    • 10-07 11:38:11

    I've tried many ab workouts in the past, but yours is by far the best. The incorporation of techniques is a game-changer and makes it easy to find valuable content like this.

    • Maxine Johnston
    • 10-06 21:08:46

    I've struggled with getting toned abs for a while, but after following your workout routine and incorporating these exercises into my routine, I'm finally seeing results. Love your -focused content!

    • Pamela Weaver
    • 10-06 17:34:38

    Great tutorial! I've been doing these exercises for a few weeks now and I can already see and feel the difference in my abs. Thanks for the -driven tips!

    • Susan Gregory
    • 10-06 11:56:55

    I've been searching for effective abs and obliques exercises and this post came up in my search results. So glad I found it! Your knowledge really shines through.

    • Eleanor Graham
    • 10-05 21:34:47

    Your explanations and demonstrations of the exercises were clear and easy to follow. Really appreciate the of the blog post as well!

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