9 Tips to Start Running When You Hate It (Realistic)
Health Guide Fitness Plans

9 Tips to Start Running When You Hate It (Realistic)


Learn 9 realistic tips to start running if you hate it. Discover how to overcome common running obstacles and develop a love for running. Visit http://bose.life/blogilates to learn more about the Bose Sport Open Earbuds!

Tip 1: Set Realistic Goals

To start running when you hate it, it's important to set realistic goals. Instead of aiming to run a marathon right away, start with smaller, achievable goals like running for 10 minutes without stopping.

By setting realistic goals, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and progress, which can help you develop a positive mindset towards running.

Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated

Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated

Tip 2: Find a Running Buddy

Running alone can be boring and demotivating, especially if you hate it. Find a running buddy who shares your fitness goals and start running together.

Having a running buddy can make running more enjoyable and provide accountability. You can motivate each other to keep going and celebrate your progress together.

Running with a buddy can make the experience more enjoyable

Running with a buddy can make the experience more enjoyable

Tip 3: Break it Down

If running for a continuous period feels overwhelming, try breaking it down into intervals. Alternate between running and walking to gradually build your endurance.

For example, you can start with 1 minute of running followed by 2 minutes of walking. As you become more comfortable, increase the running intervals and decrease the walking intervals.

Breaking down your run into intervals can make it more manageable

Breaking down your run into intervals can make it more manageable

Tip 4: Listen to Music or Podcasts

Music or podcasts can provide distraction and entertainment while running. Create a motivating playlist or listen to a podcast that interests you.

Having something to focus on besides the act of running can make the experience more enjoyable and help time pass quickly.

Listening to music or podcasts can make your run more enjoyable

Listening to music or podcasts can make your run more enjoyable

Tip 5: Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises can help you stay calm and focused while running. Practice diaphragmatic breathing, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

By focusing on your breath, you can reduce feelings of discomfort and make running feel more effortless.

Practicing deep breathing can enhance your running experience

Practicing deep breathing can enhance your running experience

Tip 6: Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself after a run can serve as motivation to keep going. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath, a delicious smoothie, or any other reward that brings you joy.

By associating running with positive experiences, you'll be more likely to stick with it and develop a love for running.

    • Lesa Garrett
    • 09-24 13:43:20

    Comment 5: These tips are great for beginners like me. I'm excited to start my running journey!

    • Marilyn Olson
    • 09-23 17:36:57

    Comment 2: As someone who hates running, I found these tips really helpful. I'm motivated to give it another try!

    • Laurie Sanchez
    • 09-23 14:36:46

    Comment 3: Running has always been a struggle for me, but your tips have inspired me to start again. Great article!

    • Jamie Harris
    • 09-21 14:28:04

    Comment 1: I never enjoyed running, but these tips have made it much more bearable. Thanks for sharing!

    • Emma Henry
    • 09-20 11:03:08

    Comment 4: I tried running multiple times, but always gave up. Setting realistic goals and finding a running buddy definitely helped me stay on track. Thanks for the advice!

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