Stars Speak GERMAN: Celebrities Speaking German (English Subtitles)
Entertainment & Leisure

Stars Speak GERMAN: Celebrities Speaking German (English Subtitles)


In this post, we explore the surprising side of celebrities speaking German. Join us as we uncover the language skills of stars like Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake, and Sandra Bullock. With English subtitles, you'll get a glimpse into their fluency and learn some interesting facts along the way.

Katy Perry's Fluency in German

Let's start with Katy Perry, the famous pop star known for hits like "Roar" and "Firework." While most people are familiar with her English songs, few know that Katy Perry can speak German fluently. In a TV interview, she surprised everyone by answering questions in flawless German. Her language skills are truly impressive!

Katy Perry's fluency in German can be attributed to her upbringing. She spent part of her childhood in Germany due to her parents' work. During this time, she learned the language and even performed at local events in German. It's incredible to see how she has maintained her fluency over the years.

If you're a Katy Perry fan or interested in learning German, you can check out her interview in our post at [timestamp] to witness her German skills firsthand.

Katy Perry answering interview questions in German

Katy Perry answering interview questions in German

Childhood photo of Katy Perry in Germany

Childhood photo of Katy Perry in Germany

Justin Timberlake's Surprising German Knowledge

Next up, let's talk about Justin Timberlake, the multi-talented singer and actor. While Justin is most known for his English songs and acting career, he has also showcased his German knowledge on a few occasions. In an interview, he joked around in German and impressed everyone with his pronunciation and understanding of the language.

Justin Timberlake's German skills can be attributed to his time spent in Germany during his solo tour. He made an effort to learn the language and connect with his German fans. His dedication to learning German is commendable, and his fans appreciate his efforts.

To see Justin Timberlake speaking German and learn more about his experience, head to our post at [timestamp]. It's fascinating to see how effortlessly he switches between languages!

Justin Timberlake joking in German during an interview

Justin Timberlake joking in German during an interview

Justin Timberlake performing in Germany

Justin Timberlake performing in Germany

    • Ana Horton
    • 09-24 13:57:32

    Do you have any recommendations for German language learning resources?

    • Kathryn Mitchell
    • 09-21 16:31:39

    Justin Timberlake speaking German is a pleasant surprise. I love his dedication to learning languages.

    • Joyce Gregory
    • 09-20 22:35:16

    Wow, I had no idea Katy Perry could speak German! This is so cool!

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