Giving My 1st Speech On Ethical Fashion & THANK YOU!
Eco-friendly Living

Giving My 1st Speech On Ethical Fashion & THANK YOU!


A quick vlog of the day I gave my first speech on ethical and vegan fashion at the Vegan Life Festival at Technopolis in Athens! Also again a HUGE thank you for being a part of this channel.

The Importance of Ethical Fashion

Ethical fashion is a growing movement that promotes the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in the fashion industry. It aims to raise awareness about the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment and workers' rights.

During the Vegan Life Festival at Technopolis in Athens, I had the opportunity to give my first speech on ethical fashion. It was an incredible experience to share my knowledge and passion with the audience.

One key point I discussed in my speech was the need for conscious consumerism. By choosing to support ethical and sustainable brands, we can make a positive impact on the fashion industry and the planet.

I highlighted the importance of considering the materials used in our clothing, the working conditions of garment workers, and the overall lifecycle of our garments.

Overall, my speech emphasized the power of individual choices and the role we can play in creating a more sustainable fashion industry.

Showing a slide on the impact of fast fashion on the environment

Showing a slide on the impact of fast fashion on the environment

Displaying images of clothing made from sustainable materials

Displaying images of clothing made from sustainable materials

Vegan Fashion: A Cruelty-Free Choice

In addition to discussing ethical fashion, I also talked about vegan fashion during my speech. Vegan fashion promotes the use of materials and products that are free from any animal exploitation.

I highlighted the growing trend of vegan leather alternatives, such as pineapple leather, cork leather, and mushroom leather. These innovative materials provide cruelty-free options for fashion enthusiasts.

Another key point I emphasized was the importance of transparency in the fashion industry. It's essential for brands to clearly label their products as vegan to help consumers make informed choices.

By choosing vegan fashion, we can contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable world. It aligns with the principles of ethical fashion and promotes the well-being of animals.

During my speech, I showcased various vegan fashion brands that offer stylish and cruelty-free alternatives to traditional fashion.

Presenting a post clip showcasing vegan leather production

Presenting a post clip showcasing vegan leather production

Displaying images of cruelty-free and vegan fashion brands

Displaying images of cruelty-free and vegan fashion brands


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