Sailor Moon Inspired PIIT28 Workout: Fight the Fat with Cassey Ho
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Sailor Moon Inspired PIIT28 Workout: Fight the Fat with Cassey Ho


Join me for a Sailor Moon inspired PIIT28 workout as we fight the fat and embrace our inner Sailor Scouts. Get ready to sweat and have fun with this childhood dream come true!

Embracing Childhood Dreams

I'm so excited to bring you this Sailor Moon inspired PIIT28 workout. As a huge fan of Sailor Moon since childhood, getting to dress up and include the Blogifam as the Sailor Scouts felt like a dream come true.

It was so much fun putting on the wigs, dresses, and getting everyone into character. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Sailor Moon Inspired PIIT28 Workout

Sailor Moon Inspired PIIT28 Workout

Sailor Scout Cosplay

Sailor Scout Cosplay

Sailor Moon Moves Workout

The workout consists of seven moves, each inspired by a different Sailor Scout. From quick feet to transformation triceps, this workout will have you feeling like a true Sailor Moon warrior.

Quick Feet Moon Abs

Quick Feet Moon Abs

Plank Jacks Meatball Head Arms

Plank Jacks Meatball Head Arms

Transforming into Sailor Moon

The transformation triceps exercise is a nod to Sailor Moon's iconic transformation. It's a great way to work those triceps while feeling empowered and strong.

Sailor Moon Transformation

Sailor Moon Transformation

    • Vanessa Butler
    • 02-06 21:11:30

    As a Sailor Moon fan, I appreciate the creativity and effort put into this workout routine.

    • Layla Gray
    • 02-06 11:17:40

    The Sailor Moon moves really make the workout enjoyable and engaging.

    • Vivan Jacobs
    • 02-03 12:52:23

    I love the Sailor Moon theme of this workout! It's so fun and nostalgic.

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