October 'My 5' | Green Favorites
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October 'My 5' | Green Favorites


Explore the green favorites I've highlighted in my October 'My 5' post, including seed sprouting at home, slow fashion brands, and documentaries on sustainable living.

Seed Sprouting at Home

In this segment, I share the process of sprouting seeds at home, emphasizing the eco-friendly benefits and reduction of plastic packaging.

The visuals showcase the step-by-step process of sprouting seeds, highlighting the simplicity and sustainability of this practice.

Demonstration of the seed sprouting process at home

Demonstration of the seed sprouting process at home

Visual representation of the sprouted seeds in a jar

Visual representation of the sprouted seeds in a jar

Slow Fashion Brands

I discuss a slow fashion brand based in New York, emphasizing their ethical and sustainable practices in lingerie production.

The visuals showcase the products and materials used by the slow fashion brand, highlighting their commitment to sustainability.

Display of the sustainable lingerie products from the New York-based brand

Display of the sustainable lingerie products from the New York-based brand

Documentary on Sustainable Living

I highlight a documentary called 'Fiber Shed for London' that explores the concept of locally sourced and produced clothing, emphasizing the importance of transparency in the fashion industry.

The visuals include clips from the documentary, showcasing the process of creating garments from locally sourced materials.

Excerpt from the 'Fiber Shed for London' documentary

Excerpt from the 'Fiber Shed for London' documentary

    • Kristin Marshall
    • 12-19 14:02:50

    The discussion on slow fashion brands is eye-opening. It's crucial to support ethical and sustainable fashion initiatives.

    • Georgia Myers
    • 12-19 13:02:56

    The documentary recommendation is spot-on. It's important to be aware of the impact of our clothing choices.

    • Jeanette Scott
    • 12-17 10:04:24

    I love the idea of sprouting seeds at home! It's such a sustainable and eco-friendly practice.

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