Home Renovation: A Derelict House Gets A Complete Makeover
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Home Renovation: A Derelict House Gets A Complete Makeover


Follow along as I transform a neglected house into a stunning home. From the decrepit state of the original wood floors to the layers of linoleum, tile, and peeling wallpaper, this complete makeover is a must-see.

Step 1: Restoring the Original Wood Floors

I'm excited to kick off today's tutorial by restoring the 100-year-old wood floors in this derelict house. The layers of dirt, grime, and wear and tear have taken a toll on the floors, but with a bit of elbow grease and some sanding, they can be brought back to life. Starting with a thorough cleaning, I removed the debris and applied a wood cleaner to remove any stains. Next, I carefully sanded the floors to remove the old finish and reveal the beautiful wood underneath. Finally, I applied a fresh coat of varnish to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the wood.

Restoring the original wood floors not only adds character to the house but also increases its value. It's a labor-intensive process, but the results are worth it.

Restoring the 100-year-old wood floors

Restoring the 100-year-old wood floors

Before and after of the wood floor restoration

Before and after of the wood floor restoration

Step 2: Removing Layers of Linoleum, Tile, and Peeling Wallpaper

Firstly, I'm going to plunge into the daunting task of removing the layers of linoleum, tile, and peeling wallpaper from the walls and floors of this house. These outdated and damaged materials were hiding the true potential of the space, and it's important to start with a clean slate.

Using a combination of heat guns, scrapers, and solvents, I carefully peeled away the linoleum and tile. It required patience and precision to avoid damaging the underlying surfaces. As for the peeling wallpaper, I used a wallpaper steamer to loosen the adhesive and gently removed it. The transformation was amazing, revealing smooth walls and floors ready for a fresh start.

Removing these layers not only improves the aesthetic appeal but also prepares the surfaces for the next steps in the renovation process.

Peeling away the linoleum and tile

Peeling away the linoleum and tile

Before and after of the wallpaper removal

Before and after of the wallpaper removal

Step 3: Designing a Modern and Functional Space

Now that the floors are restored and the old layers are gone, it's time to design a modern and functional space. This derelict house has great bones, and I want to make the most of its potential.

I start by selecting a color palette that complements the style I have in mind. Light colors and natural materials create an open and inviting atmosphere. Next, I focus on the layout, ensuring each room is optimized for its intended use. Smart storage solutions and multi-functional furniture are key elements in making the most of the available space.

The final touches include lighting fixtures, window treatments, and decorative accents that tie the whole design together. The result is a beautiful and functional home that exceeds expectations.

Designing a space that is both visually appealing and practical is crucial to creating a comfortable and inviting living environment.


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