Designing Slow Fashion | Clothing from Scratch Part 1
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Designing Slow Fashion | Clothing from Scratch Part 1


Learn about the stages of designing, sampling, fitting, sourcing, and making clothing styles from scratch. Follow along in this new series by My Green Closet and discover the world of slow fashion.

Designing Slow Fashion

I'm excited to kick off today's tutorial where we'll be exploring the process of designing slow fashion. Slow fashion is all about creating clothing items with sustainability in mind. It's about valuing quality, ethical production, and reducing waste. Let's dive in!

Firstly, I'm going to plunge into the initial stages of designing. This involves sketching out ideas, creating mood boards for inspiration, and researching current fashion trends. By taking the time to plan and conceptualize our designs, we can ensure they align with our personal style and values.

Moving on, let's talk about clothing sampling. This step involves creating prototypes or samples of our designs to test for fit, functionality, and overall aesthetic. It's important to make adjustments and refine our designs during this phase to ensure they meet our expectations.

Next, we'll focus on clothing fitting. This is the stage where we try on the samples created earlier and make any necessary alterations. Achieving the perfect fit is crucial in creating garments that are comfortable and flattering. We'll explore different techniques for fitting and adjusting our designs.

Now, let's discuss clothing sourcing. This step involves finding the right materials and fabrics for our designs. We'll explore sustainable and eco-friendly options such as organic cotton, recycled fibers, and natural dyes. Sourcing materials ethically is a key aspect of slow fashion.

In the final phase, we'll be making the actual clothing styles. We'll follow step-by-step tutorials and techniques to bring our designs to life. From cutting the fabric to sewing and finishing touches, we'll learn how to create unique and sustainable clothing items.

Designing slow fashion is not only a creative process but also an opportunity to make a positive impact on the fashion industry. By embracing slow fashion principles, we can contribute to a more sustainable and ethical future.

If you're passionate about fashion and want to make a difference, this series is perfect for you. Join me as we embark on this journey of designing slow fashion and discover the joy of creating clothing from scratch.

Sketches and mood boards for clothing design inspiration

Sketches and mood boards for clothing design inspiration

Creating clothing samples to test for fit and aesthetics

Creating clothing samples to test for fit and aesthetics

Sustainable Fashion Trends

Another important aspect of slow fashion is staying updated on sustainable fashion trends. Being aware of the latest developments in ethical and eco-friendly fashion can inspire our designs and help us make more informed choices.

One sustainable fashion trend that has gained popularity is upcycling. Upcycling involves transforming old or discarded garments into new and unique pieces. It's a great way to breathe new life into unused clothing items while reducing waste.

Another trend is capsule wardrobes. Capsule wardrobes consist of a limited number of versatile and timeless pieces that can be mixed and matched to create various outfits. This approach promotes mindful consumption and reduces the need for excessive buying.

By incorporating these sustainable fashion trends into our designs, we can create clothing that not only looks stylish but also aligns with our values of reducing waste and promoting ethical fashion.

As we continue our journey into slow fashion, keep an eye out for upcoming tutorials and tips on sourcing sustainable materials, creating unique designs, and more. Together, we can make a positive change in the fashion industry.

Transforming old garments through upcycling

Transforming old garments through upcycling

Building a capsule wardrobe with versatile and timeless pieces

Building a capsule wardrobe with versatile and timeless pieces

    • Toni Hoffman
    • 09-24 17:53:13

    I'm so inspired by your commitment to sustainable fashion. Can't wait to see more tutorials in this series!

    • Edith James
    • 09-24 10:29:33

    I've always wanted to make my own clothes, and this tutorial series is exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

    • Kitty Hernandez
    • 09-22 20:56:38

    The shopping list is really helpful. It makes it easy to gather all the necessary materials before starting the design process.

    • Susan Cook
    • 09-22 15:11:18

    I love the concept of slow fashion. It's so important to create clothing that is sustainable and ethically produced. Can't wait to try out these design techniques!

    • Noelle Lopez
    • 09-21 16:51:12

    The illustrations really helped visualize the different steps in the clothing design process. Great job!

    • Elaine Hunter
    • 09-21 15:13:54

    I never realized how much goes into designing and making clothes from scratch. Slow fashion is definitely the way to go!

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