How to Eat Vegan in Greece: A Comprehensive Guide
Cooking & Recipes

How to Eat Vegan in Greece: A Comprehensive Guide


Discover the best tips and tricks for eating vegan in Greece, from useful words and phrases to order at a restaurant to finding vegan cheese at the supermarket. This guide will cover everything you need to know to fully enjoy a vegan lifestyle in Greece.

Useful Words and Phrases for Eating Vegan in Greece

To kick off your vegan journey in Greece, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with some key words and phrases. Learning basic Greek words like 'vegan' ('βίγκαν') and 'vegetarian' ('χορτοφάγος') can make communicating your dietary preferences easier.

Additionally, the phrase 'Είμαι χορτοφάγος' (pronounced 'Eimai chortofagos') means 'I am vegetarian,' while 'Είμαι βίγκαν' ('Eimai vegan') means 'I am vegan.' These phrases can be useful when ordering at restaurants or asking for vegan options.

Remember, in Greece, many dishes contain feta cheese or yogurt, so it's important to mention your dietary requirements clearly to ensure your meal is vegan-friendly.

Key Greek words for vegans

Key Greek words for vegans

Phrases for ordering vegan meals in Greece

Phrases for ordering vegan meals in Greece

Vegan alternatives to Greek dairy products

Vegan alternatives to Greek dairy products

Finding Vegan Options at Greek Restaurants

While traditional Greek cuisine heavily features meat and dairy products, there are still plenty of vegan options available at restaurants.

Greek salads, without feta cheese, are a popular choice. They typically consist of fresh vegetables, olives, and a drizzle of olive oil. You can also try dishes like 'briam,' a delicious oven-baked dish with mixed vegetables, and 'dolmades,' stuffed grape leaves filled with rice and herbs.

Many Greek restaurants also offer falafel wraps or Greek-style roasted vegetables. Be sure to ask about the ingredients and request any modifications to make the dish vegan if necessary.

Vegan Greek salad without feta cheese

Vegan Greek salad without feta cheese

Delicious vegan Greek briam

Delicious vegan Greek briam

Stuffed grape leaves (dolmades) without meat

Stuffed grape leaves (dolmades) without meat

Exploring the Supermarkets for Vegan Goodies

If you prefer to cook your own meals or grab some snacks for your vegan adventures, Greek supermarkets have a range of vegan products available.

Look for plant-based milk alternatives like 'αμυγδαλόγαλο' (pronounced 'amigdalogalo') which means almond milk or 'καρύδας γάλα' ('karidas gala') which means coconut milk.

You can also find vegan cheese alternatives labeled as 'κρεατούλης χωρίς γαλακτοκομικά συστατικά' ('kreatoulis choris galaktokomika sustatika').

Variety of plant-based milk options in Greek supermarkets

Variety of plant-based milk options in Greek supermarkets

    • Mabel Medina
    • 10-10 17:58:30

    I never knew Greek cuisine had so many vegan-friendly dishes. Thanks for enlightening me!

    • Glenda Steward
    • 10-09 22:19:55

    As a vegan, I always struggle to find options in foreign countries. This guide is so helpful! #veganfoodie

    • Mae Sutton
    • 10-08 17:40:37

    Good to know about the useful Greek phrases. It'll make my vegan vacation in Greece much easier. #vegantravel

    • Kathryn Richards
    • 10-06 16:39:20

    Great tips for eating vegan in Greece! Can't wait to try out these recommendations. #vegantravels

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