Growing Onion From Sets - How To Grow Great Onions!
Cooking & Recipes

Growing Onion From Sets - How To Grow Great Onions!


Learn how to grow onions from sets and achieve a bountiful harvest. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on onion cultivation, care tips, and dealing with common issues.

Preparing the Onion Sets

To grow onions from sets, start by selecting healthy onion sets from a reputable source, ensuring they are firm and disease-free.

Choose an appropriate planting location with well-draining soil and full sunlight.

Before planting, separate the onion sets and remove any dead or rotten parts.

It's advisable to soak the onion sets in water for 1-2 hours before planting to promote hydration.

Once they have soaked, plant the onion sets in the prepared soil, making sure to space them appropriately.

Cover the sets with soil, leaving the tips exposed.

Water the newly planted onion sets gently to settle the soil.

Illustration of selecting healthy onion sets from a reputable source

Illustration of selecting healthy onion sets from a reputable source

Illustration of soaking the onion sets in water before planting

Illustration of soaking the onion sets in water before planting

Caring for Onion Plants

Provide regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Onions require about an inch of water per week, either from rainfall or supplementary irrigation.

Apply a balanced fertilizer to the onion plants every 3-4 weeks to promote healthy growth.

Remove any weeds that compete with the onion plants for nutrients.

Mulching around the onion plants can help suppress weeds and retain soil moisture.

Be vigilant for signs of pests and diseases, such as onion maggots or fungal infections.

In case of pest or disease infestation, take appropriate measures based on organic gardening practices.

Regularly monitor the onion plants and provide support (e.g., stakes) if necessary.

Illustration of applying fertilizer to onion plants

Illustration of applying fertilizer to onion plants

Dealing with Common Onion Issues

Onions can be susceptible to certain issues like bolting, onion maggots, and fungal diseases.

To prevent bolting, choose onion varieties suited for your region and plant them at the appropriate time.

To manage onion maggots, use floating row covers or beneficial nematodes to deter their presence.

Fungal diseases can be controlled by ensuring proper air circulation, avoiding overhead watering, and removing infected plants.

In case of severe infestations or diseases, consult with a local agricultural extension office or gardening expert.

Harvest the onions when the tops have turned yellow and flop over. Allow them to dry for a couple of weeks before storing.

    • Jessie Williamson
    • 09-24 22:49:03

    Your posts have inspired me to start my own organic garden. Keep up the excellent work!

    • Lori Prescott
    • 09-24 15:50:45

    I never knew about using nematodes for onion maggot control. Thanks for the useful tip!

    • Erica Hawkins
    • 09-23 20:29:19

    I love growing my own onions. It's so satisfying to cook with freshly harvested ones!

    • Esther Wood
    • 09-23 14:43:36

    How do you store harvested onions to keep them fresh?

    • Marian Lewis
    • 09-23 10:02:33

    Can you recommend any onion varieties that do well in colder climates?

    • Deann Reyes
    • 09-21 20:20:20

    I'm a beginner gardener, and this tutorial was incredibly helpful. Thank you!

    • Sandra Washington
    • 09-21 11:50:41

    Great tutorial! I followed your instructions and had a successful onion harvest.

    • Evelyn Brooks
    • 09-21 11:38:10

    I've been struggling with onion diseases in my garden. Do you have any organic treatment suggestions?

    • Kim Stephens
    • 09-21 10:29:14

    Could you make a post on companion planting for onions?

    • Isabella Reyes
    • 09-20 17:30:13

    Do you have any tips for saving onion seeds?

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