Friday Favorites: How to Shop for, Handle, and Store Chicken - A Comprehensive Guide
Cooking & Recipes

Friday Favorites: How to Shop for, Handle, and Store Chicken - A Comprehensive Guide


In this post, I delve into the ins and outs of shopping for, handling, and storing chicken. Learn about the common causes of food-poisoning outbreaks and discover tips for ensuring safe consumption of poultry. Join me as we explore the best practices for cooking and storing chicken to maintain its freshness and flavor.

Understanding Poultry-Related Food-Poisoning Outbreaks

To start off, let's shed light on the fact that poultry is the most common cause of serious food-poisoning outbreaks.

Contrary to popular belief, people are more likely to order their burgers rarer than their chicken sandwiches. This is because the risk of food poisoning from undercooked beef is relatively low compared to undercooked chicken.

Therefore, it is crucial to handle and cook chicken properly to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

In this section, we will explore the best practices for shopping, handling, and storing chicken to ensure food safety.

Poultry-related food-poisoning outbreaks

Poultry-related food-poisoning outbreaks

Shopping for Chicken: What to Look for

When shopping for chicken, it is important to choose fresh and high-quality meat.

Look for chicken that is firm to the touch and has a pinkish color. Avoid chicken with a gray or slimy appearance, as it may indicate spoilage.

Additionally, check the packaging date and ensure it is within the recommended date of consumption.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are purchasing safe and fresh chicken for your meals.

Fresh and high-quality chicken

Fresh and high-quality chicken

Handling and Storing Chicken: Best Practices

After purchasing chicken, it is crucial to handle and store it properly to maintain its freshness and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Always keep chicken refrigerated at a temperature below 40°F (4°C). This helps slow down bacterial growth and keeps the meat safe to consume.

When handling raw chicken, practice good hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before and after touching the meat.

To further reduce the risk of cross-contamination, use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw chicken and other ingredients.

Proper storage of leftovers is also important. Cooked chicken should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking and consumed within three to four days.

By following these handling and storage practices, you can ensure the safety and quality of your chicken dishes.

Proper handling and storage of chicken

Proper handling and storage of chicken

Cooking Chicken: Tips for Safe and Delicious Results

Cooking chicken to the right temperature is crucial to kill any harmful bacteria that may be present.

The recommended internal temperature for chicken is 165°F (74°C). Use a meat thermometer to accurately determine if the chicken is cooked thoroughly.

Avoid partially cooking chicken and finishing it later, as this can result in bacterial growth.

Furthermore, it is important to let the cooked chicken rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the juices to settle and ensures a more flavorful and moist result.

By following these cooking tips, you can enjoy safe and delicious chicken dishes every time.

Summary: Essential Steps for Chicken Safety

To summarize, shopping for, handling, and storing chicken requires attention to detail and adherence to food safety guidelines.

Choose fresh chicken, handle it with care, and store it at the proper temperature.

When cooking chicken, ensure it reaches the recommended internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

By following these steps, you can enjoy delicious and safe chicken meals without the risk of foodborne illnesses.

    • Stella Wade
    • 10-17 11:01:56

    I never knew that poultry was the most common cause of food-poisoning outbreaks. Thanks for sharing!

    • Marjorie Simmmons
    • 10-16 20:47:17

    I love how you summarized the essential steps for chicken safety. Makes it easy to remember.

    • Renee Garza
    • 10-16 17:05:44

    I always struggle with cooking chicken to the right temperature. Your tips are really helpful!

    • Peyton Murray
    • 10-16 14:05:07

    Great tips for ensuring food safety when handling chicken!

    • Jill Shelton
    • 10-14 15:26:12

    The instructions for handling and storing chicken will definitely come in handy. Thank you!

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