10 Things To Toss: The Dreaded Junk Drawer (Ep. 11)
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10 Things To Toss: The Dreaded Junk Drawer (Ep. 11)


Get your junk drawer under control and organized with these 10 tips. Join Cleaning Expert Melissa Maker as she shares her insights on decluttering and organizing your junk drawer.

Start with a clean slate

To begin organizing your junk drawer, it's best to start with a clean slate. Empty the contents of your drawer onto a table or counter so you can see everything you have.

As you take out each item, decide whether to keep it, toss it, or find it a new home. Be ruthless in your decision-making process to avoid holding onto unnecessary items.

Once you have cleared out the drawer, give it a good wipe down with a damp cloth.

Sort and categorize

Next, sort the items into categories. Create piles for office supplies, tools, batteries, random items, and anything else you find in your junk drawer.

This step will help you see how much of each category you have and make it easier to find a dedicated home for each group of items.

Get rid of duplicates

One common problem with junk drawers is the accumulation of duplicates. As you sort through your items, keep an eye out for any duplicates and choose to keep only one of each.

Having duplicates of certain items in your junk drawer only adds to the clutter and makes it harder to find what you need.

Invest in organizers

To maintain an organized junk drawer, it's helpful to invest in some organizers. Consider using small bins, dividers, or trays to separate and contain different categories of items.

Having designated spaces for each group of items will make it easier to find what you need and keep the drawer tidy.

Label everything

Labels are a game-changer when it comes to organizing your junk drawer. Use a label maker or simply handwrite labels for each section or container in the drawer.

This will help you and anyone else in your household know exactly where to find and return items, ensuring everything stays in its designated place.

Regularly declutter

Finally, make it a habit to regularly declutter your junk drawer. Set a reminder on your calendar to go through the drawer every few months and remove any items that have accumulated.

By staying on top of decluttering, you can prevent your junk drawer from becoming overwhelming and ensure it remains functional and organized.

    • Katherine Rivera
    • 10-09 22:28:52

    Great tips! I never realized how much stuff I had in my junk drawer until I followed your advice and emptied it all out. Now it's so much easier to find what I need.

    • Martha West
    • 10-09 10:57:39

    Regularly decluttering is key. It's amazing how quickly things can pile up in the junk drawer if you're not mindful.

    • Beth Miles
    • 10-08 13:16:52

    Thanks for the inspiration! I'm off to tackle my junk drawer now.

    • Elaine Barrett
    • 10-07 14:43:52

    Labeling everything has saved me so much time. I used to spend ages searching through my junk drawer, but now I can find things with just a glance.

    • Peggy Allen
    • 10-06 15:43:43

    I love using organizers in my junk drawer! It's amazing how much of a difference it makes when everything has its own place.

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