My Great Book Unhaul: Decluttering Before Moving to a New Home
Entertainment & Leisure Book Recommendations

My Great Book Unhaul: Decluttering Before Moving to a New Home


Join me in my journey of decluttering as I prepare for a big move. In this post, I share my book unhaul process and discuss the books I have decided to pass on to a new home.

Why I Decided to Do a Book Unhaul

In this post, I wanted to share my process of decluttering books as I prepare to move to a new home. As a book lover, it can be difficult to part with books, but sometimes it's necessary to make space for new adventures.

The decision to do a book unhaul was not easy, but I realized that there were many books on my shelves that I had already read and didn't plan to reread in the future. I wanted these books to find new homes and bring joy to other readers.

By decluttering my book collection, I'm not only making the moving process easier, but I'm also creating space for new books and new memories in my future home.

Books being sorted into different piles

Books being sorted into different piles

A stack of books ready to be donated

A stack of books ready to be donated

Criteria for My Book Unhaul

When deciding which books to pass on, I had a few criteria in mind. Firstly, I considered whether I had already read the book and if I had any plans to reread it in the future. If the answer was no, then it made it onto the unhaul pile.

I also thought about whether the book had sentimental value. If a book held special memories or was given to me by someone important, I decided to keep it, regardless of whether I planned to read it again.

Lastly, I considered whether the book was easily replaceable. If it was a popular book that I could easily borrow from a library or purchase again in the future, I decided to let it go.

These criteria helped me navigate through my book collection and make decisions that felt right for me.

Books being sorted based on criteria

Books being sorted based on criteria

Books with sentimental value being put back on the shelf

Books with sentimental value being put back on the shelf

The Joy of Passing on Books

One of the best parts of doing a book unhaul is the joy of passing on books to others. It feels great to know that someone else will get to enjoy a book that once brought me happiness.

In the post, I showed some of the books that I decided to donate or give away. I hope that these books find new homes and bring as much joy to their new owners as they brought to me.

Passing on books is also a sustainable choice. Instead of letting them collect dust on my shelves, I'm giving them a chance to be loved and read by someone else. It's a win-win situation!

Books being boxed up for donation

Books being boxed up for donation

A happy reader receiving a donated book

A happy reader receiving a donated book

    • Deann Lewis
    • 09-25 21:33:24

    Great tips on decluttering books. I've been struggling with that for a while.

    • Vickie Mills
    • 09-25 18:27:22

    I love how you consider both sentimental value and practicality when deciding which books to keep.

    • Ava Reid
    • 09-25 10:57:25

    Your post inspired me to declutter my book collection. Thank you!

    • Audrey Medina
    • 09-24 15:15:37

    I would love to see more posts like this. Keep up the great work!

    • Sheila Prescott
    • 09-24 13:25:46

    Wow, I never thought about passing on books before moving. Great idea!

    • Julia Gonzalez
    • 09-23 19:24:16

    I'm definitely going to try the book unhaul process before my next move.

    • Anna Rhodes
    • 09-22 18:16:19

    What a great way to give books a second life and make someone else happy.

    • Pamela Douglas
    • 09-22 11:56:52

    Do you have any recommendations for book storage solutions?

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