GIANT BOOK UN-HAUL! (watch me try to get my life together)
Entertainment & Leisure Book Recommendations

GIANT BOOK UN-HAUL! (watch me try to get my life together)


In this post, I embark on a mission to declutter my book collection and create more space in my home. Join me as I go through an un-haul process, sharing my thoughts and insights along the way.

Why I Decided to Un-Haul My Books

I've come to the realization that I have way too many books and not enough space to accommodate them in my home. It's time to declutter and make room for new experiences.

Un-hauling my books not only frees up physical space but also allows me to let go of books that I no longer resonate with or have any intention of reading again.

By decluttering my book collection, I can create a more organized and visually pleasing space in my home, while also making it easier to find and access the books I truly love.

Before and after shots of my bookshelf transformation

Before and after shots of my bookshelf transformation

A bag of books ready to be donated

A bag of books ready to be donated

My Un-Haul Process

To begin, I carefully assess each book in my collection. I ask myself if the book holds sentimental value, if I plan to re-read it, or if it has made a significant impact on me.

Next, I categorize the books into three piles: keep, donate, and sell. The keep pile consists of books that I love and will definitely read again. The donate pile includes books that are still in good condition but no longer serve a purpose for me. The sell pile consists of books that hold value and can be of interest to others.

Once the piles are sorted, I find appropriate places to donate the books, ensuring they will find new homes where they can be appreciated. For the books I plan to sell, I research prices and choose a platform that will allow me to reach potential buyers.

Throughout the un-haul process, I remind myself of the benefits of decluttering and creating space in my home. It's a continuous effort to simplify my life and surround myself with things that truly bring me joy.

Sorting books into keep, donate, and sell piles

Sorting books into keep, donate, and sell piles

Donated books finding new homes

Donated books finding new homes

Insights and Reflections

As I un-haul my books, I realize the value of letting go and decluttering. It's not just about physical possessions, but also about creating space for new opportunities and growth.

I've learned that it's okay to part ways with books that no longer resonate with me. It doesn't diminish their importance at the time I read them; it simply means that I've evolved and my interests have shifted.

Decluttering my book collection has also made me more mindful of future book purchases. I now carefully consider if a book will truly bring value to my life and if I have the space and intention to read it.

Overall, this un-haul process has been liberating and has allowed me to take a step closer to getting my life together. It's a continuous journey, and I look forward to maintaining an organized and curated book collection.

Organized bookshelf after the un-haul

Organized bookshelf after the un-haul

    • Krin Alvarez
    • 10-09 17:53:24

    -focused comment: Your before and after shots of the bookshelf transformation are inspiring. Can't wait to declutter my own collection.

    • Caroline Martinez
    • 10-09 17:48:43

    -focused comment: Your insights about letting go of books that no longer resonate with you are spot on. It's important to prioritize what truly brings joy.

    • Jacqueline Mckinney
    • 10-08 20:13:52

    -focused comment: Great tips for organizing books and creating space at home! I've been struggling with my overflowing book collection too.

    • Louella Howard
    • 10-08 14:34:01

    -focused comment: I've been considering selling some books that I no longer need. Which platform did you find most effective?

    • Tamara Neal
    • 10-07 21:19:35

    -focused comment: Thanks for sharing your un-haul process. I'm motivated to start decluttering my book collection now!

    • Kenzi May
    • 10-06 12:29:00

    -focused comment: Love the idea of donating books to give them new life. It's a win-win for everyone!

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