Kati Morton - Page 3

You DON'T Have to Have It All Figured Out! Embracing Uncertainty and Finding Your Path
You DON'T Have to Have It All Figured Out! Embracing Uncertainty and Finding Your Path

Feeling pressured to have your life all figured out? Don't worry, you're not alone! In this post, I discuss the challenges of choosing a major in college and the expectations we often face to know what we want to do for a career. Join me as I dive into the journey of self-discovery, embracing uncertainty, and finding your unique path....

Reflecting on Disappointment: Navigating Emotions in 2020
Reflecting on Disappointment: Navigating Emotions in 2020

In this blog post, I dive deep into the topic of disappointment, particularly in the context of 2020. Explore how disappointment has been a prevalent emotion throughout the year and steps to manage it. Join me as I share my insights and thoughts on this complex emotion....

What If I'm The Toxic One In The Relationship? - Understanding and Addressing Toxic Behavior
What If I'm The Toxic One In The Relationship? - Understanding and Addressing Toxic Behavior

In this post, I explore the question of what to do if you suspect that you may be the toxic one in a relationship. I provide insights and guidance on identifying toxic behavior, understanding its impact, and taking steps to change and improve. Join me as I delve into this important topic and offer valuable advice to those who find themselves questioning their own actions in relationships....

Is Empathy a Good or Bad Thing? Exploring the Impact of Empathy on Individuals and Society
Is Empathy a Good or Bad Thing? Exploring the Impact of Empathy on Individuals and Society

In this thought-provoking post, we delve deep into the concept of empathy and its implications. Is empathy a positive trait or does it have negative consequences? Join us as we explore the different dimensions of empathy and uncover its impact on individuals and society....

Why Therapy Can Make Us Feel Worse: Understanding the Initial Discomfort
Why Therapy Can Make Us Feel Worse: Understanding the Initial Discomfort

In this post, I discuss why therapy can sometimes make us feel worse initially. Exploring the reasons behind this discomfort can help us navigate the therapy process with more clarity and understanding....

Diving Deeper into Obsessions: Understanding and Overcoming
Diving Deeper into Obsessions: Understanding and Overcoming

In this post, I explore the realm of obsessions and provide insights into understanding and overcoming them. With a focus on OCD, I discuss how obsessions can manifest as recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images. Join me as we delve into this topic and learn strategies for managing obsessions....

Dealing with Stress & Anxiety During a Pandemic
Dealing with Stress & Anxiety During a Pandemic

Learn effective strategies to reduce stress and anxiety during a pandemic. Discover practical tips and insights to help you cope with the challenges of these uncertain times....

Dispelling Misunderstandings About Autism: A Comprehensive Guide
Dispelling Misunderstandings About Autism: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn about the common missteps and misconceptions surrounding autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in this comprehensive guide. Gain insights into the true nature of autism and debunk prevalent myths. Discover how to better understand and support individuals with ASD....

5 Easy Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Improved Health
5 Easy Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Improved Health

Discover the top 5 techniques to activate your vagus nerve and enhance your overall well-being. Learn how to stimulate the longest nerve in your body for better relaxation, digestion, and stress management....

How to Know if You’re in Crisis: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Know if You’re in Crisis: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the signs of being in crisis and learn how to navigate through difficult times with this in-depth guide. Find out the different types of crises and gain insights on how to cope with them effectively....

Over-exercising: Are you working out too much?
Over-exercising: Are you working out too much?

In this post, I discuss exercise addiction, its role in eating disorders, and how to overcome it. Join me as we explore the health benefits of regular exercise and how to strike a balance in our fitness routines....

Mastering Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: How to Make the Most of 'Me-Time'
Mastering Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: How to Make the Most of 'Me-Time'

Discover the concept of revenge bedtime procrastination and learn how to effectively utilize your 'me-time' without sacrificing sleep. Find out why many people stay up late to enjoy personal activities and how it impacts their overall well-being. Explore practical tips and strategies to strike a balance between productivity, relaxation, and a good night's sleep....

Can Someone Be Beyond Help? - Finding Hope and Healing
Can Someone Be Beyond Help? - Finding Hope and Healing

Discover the possibility of change and healthy relationships even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Explore ways to overcome obstacles and take the first steps towards personal growth and healing. This blog post delves into the question of whether some individuals can be unhelpable, offering insights and guidance on where to start and how to foster positive change....

Is Borderline Personality Disorder Treatable? Exploring Treatment Options and Strategies
Is Borderline Personality Disorder Treatable? Exploring Treatment Options and Strategies

Learn about the various treatment options for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and whether it's possible to manage and improve the condition. Discover the challenges individuals with BPD face when seeking treatment and find out about potential solutions. Gain insights into the importance of therapy, medication, and self-care for BPD patients. Explore how a comprehensive treatment approach can lead to a better quality of life for those with BPD....

Understanding Daddy Issues: Causes, Effects, and How to Overcome Them
Understanding Daddy Issues: Causes, Effects, and How to Overcome Them

In this informative article, we dive deep into the concept of daddy issues. Discover what they are, explore the possible causes, and learn effective ways to address and overcome these challenges. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth....

How to Stop Binge Eating: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Stop Binge Eating: A Comprehensive Guide

In this post, I discuss effective strategies to stop binge eating. Binge eating is a common eating disorder characterized by consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time. If you struggle with binge eating, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and insights to overcome this problem....

Unraveling the Root Causes of Mental Health Lows: Insights and Strategies
Unraveling the Root Causes of Mental Health Lows: Insights and Strategies

Discover the underlying factors contributing to mental health lows and gain valuable strategies to navigate through them. Dive into this insightful blog post to uncover the root problems like PTSD or ASD and find effective coping mechanisms. Learn from expert advice and personal experiences to improve your mental well-being....

Can You Trust Your Intuition? Exploring the Power of Intuition and its Role in Decision Making
Can You Trust Your Intuition? Exploring the Power of Intuition and its Role in Decision Making

Discover the fascinating world of intuition and its impact on decision making. Learn how to tap into your own intuition and trust it to guide you towards better choices....

Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies
Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Discover what Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is, how it affects individuals, and learn effective coping mechanisms to deal with it. Explore the causes, symptoms, and strategies for managing RSD in this comprehensive guide....

Why We Love to Hate Watch: Exploring the Fascinating Phenomenon
Why We Love to Hate Watch: Exploring the Fascinating Phenomenon

Discover why hate-watching has become a popular pastime. Uncover the reasons behind our obsession with disliking certain shows or characters, and explore the dynamics that keep us hooked....

Understanding Mixed Episodes in Bipolar Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Mixed Episodes in Bipolar Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn all about mixed episodes in bipolar disorder, the lesser-known but equally important aspect of this mental health condition. Explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment options available. Gain insights into managing and coping with mixed episodes effectively....

Dealing with Trauma Triggers: A Comprehensive Guide
Dealing with Trauma Triggers: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog post, I will delve into the topic of trauma triggers and provide valuable insights on how to deal with them. From recognizing common triggers to practical tips for managing them, this guide will empower you to navigate through the challenges of trauma. Get ready to embark on a journey of healing and growth!...

Navigating the Overwhelming Challenges of the Past Year: My Personal Journey and Insights
Navigating the Overwhelming Challenges of the Past Year: My Personal Journey and Insights

In this blog post, I share my personal journey and insights on navigating the overwhelming challenges of the past year. From the isolation of the pandemic to the divisive nature of online conversations, I discuss how I coped with these difficulties and offer valuable advice for others facing similar struggles....

6 Misconceptions of PTSD | Mental Health 101
6 Misconceptions of PTSD | Mental Health 101

In this post, I debunk six commonly held misconceptions about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I aim to increase awareness and understanding of PTSD and its effects. Join me as we explore the truth behind these misconceptions....

3 Formas de Vencer la Ansiedad Social: A Guide to Overcoming Social Anxiety
3 Formas de Vencer la Ansiedad Social: A Guide to Overcoming Social Anxiety

En este artículo, te voy a presentar 3 estrategias efectivas para vencer la ansiedad social. Aprenderás cómo superar tus miedos sociales y desarrollar habilidades para relacionarte mejor con los demás. No te pierdas estos consejos prácticos que te ayudarán a vivir una vida más plena y sin ansiedad....

Understanding ADHD in Adults: How It Differs and Coping Strategies
Understanding ADHD in Adults: How It Differs and Coping Strategies

In this post, I explore the topic of ADHD in adults, discussing its differences and providing coping strategies. Join me as I break down this complex issue and share my insights. If you're interested in learning more about ADHD in adults, this post is for you!...

How to Overcome Childhood Emotional Neglect
How to Overcome Childhood Emotional Neglect

In this post, I discuss the topic of childhood emotional neglect and provide strategies for overcoming its effects. Join me as we delve into the impact of emotional neglect on individuals and explore techniques to heal and thrive....

7 Tips To Help Someone With PTSD | Mental Health 101
7 Tips To Help Someone With PTSD | Mental Health 101

Learn 7 effective ways to support someone with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in this Mental Health 101 post. Understand the symptoms, challenges, and strategies to provide the best assistance....

When Do Friendships Expire And How to End Them
When Do Friendships Expire And How to End Them

In this post, I discuss the expiration of friendships and provide guidance on how to end them. Discover the reasons behind why we may stay in unhealthy friendships and learn strategies to prioritize our well-being....

How People Pleasing Can Hurt You + Abusive Relationship Patterns: Unfiltered Storytime
How People Pleasing Can Hurt You + Abusive Relationship Patterns: Unfiltered Storytime

Discover the detrimental effects of people-pleasing and how it relates to abusive relationship patterns. Join me as I share my personal journey of recovering from being a people pleaser and the importance of reducing apologies in our daily lives....


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