Releasing Sea Turtles in Costa Rica - A Journey of Conservation and Adventure
Travel Advice Adventures & Outdoors

Releasing Sea Turtles in Costa Rica - A Journey of Conservation and Adventure


Join me on an unforgettable journey as we release sea turtles in Costa Rica and embark on an adventure filled with conservation efforts and natural wonders. Experience the beauty of Central America and the joy of contributing to wildlife preservation.

The Journey Begins

As we set out on our 8-day adventure, the anticipation is palpable. From Vancouver to Calgary and finally to Costa Rica, every moment is filled with excitement and gratitude.

Our guide, Jeff, has been instrumental in making this journey unforgettable. His knowledge and passion for conservation have truly enhanced our experience.

Arrival in Costa Rica

Arrival in Costa Rica

Releasing Sea Turtles

Releasing Sea Turtles

Conservation Efforts and Wildlife Encounters

Witnessing the release of sea turtles was a truly remarkable experience. It's a reminder of the importance of conservation and the delicate balance of nature.

Sea Turtle Release

Sea Turtle Release

    • Savannah Martin
    • 12-31 15:53:20

    This was such an inspiring journey, and the conservation efforts were truly heartwarming. I'm excited to explore Costa Rica and contribute to wildlife preservation.

    • Annie Alexander
    • 12-29 14:04:37

    I'm grateful for the opportunity to witness the release of sea turtles and be a part of such an important conservation initiative.

    • Tammy Henry
    • 12-28 11:28:05

    The sea turtle release was a beautiful moment, and it's incredible to see the impact of conservation efforts in action.

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